Chapter 31: Stories of the Past

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Cole and Cassie quickly hid behind the chimney as the Militia fired at them, Cassie leans out and threw a grenade at them. It took two out and one fire at her, Cole wraps his arms around her waist and then pulls her back, dodging the bullet, Cassandra gasps as she watches the bullet hit the wall. They both look at it and Cassandra huffs "You think they would take the hint already." she states, throwing up her arms. Cole chuckles at her. "You know how it is something, they don't use their head as we do," he informs her.

Cassie giggles as she nods at him. "That is true," she states and he nods. "Shall we wrap this up?" he asks her, she smirks at him. "Let's do it," she states, he then lets her go and both pop out and threw grenades at them. Making them fly off the roof and smack against the ground. The two of them ran to the edge and looks down, seeing their bodies. They both pant and then they look at each other. "To the swamps?" Cassie asks him, he nods at her and then they both jump off the roof and ran along the street.

They both arrived at the docks, they both lean against the rails as they had run from one side of the city all the way to the other. Once they caught their breath, they walk onto the docks and there sat Nix as she was dangling her feet from the side. "Better watch those feet. Gators aren't the worst thing in the water these days." Cole warns her as he leans against the rails and Cassie walks up and sat down next to Nix with her legs crossed. "Too bad, nice day for a skinny dip," she states and Cole smirks. "Oooh! Go right ahead. I'm not stopping you." Cole jokes and Cassie giggles a little, Nix looks up at him and smiles a little. "You want to tell me what this is all about?" Cole asks her.

Nix looks away and right at Cassandra, "You're a little young to be a conduit." she informs her. Cassie shrugs at her. "We really don't get a choice to choose." she informs her, Nix smiles at her "Your parents must be worried about it," she states and Cassie looks at the water. "My parents are dead, they died so I could get this," she states as she raised up her hand and the electricity crackles in her hand for a moment and she drops her hand back in her lap. Nix nods and looks out at the swamp. "I grew up out there," she states as she points at the swamp. The two lookouts as well. "That must have been rough." Cole states as Nix leans against her legs. "It's a whole other world," she states and Cassie looks at her. "Only people I ever knew were thieves and crazies, and poor like you never seen. My momma was all that... used to be." she states and Cassie sat up. "Before Bertrand?" she asks her and Nix nods at her.

Then Cassandra understood when she answered her, she closes her eyes, looks away, exhales and hung her head, then Cole walks over and kneels down next to her. The two looked at him. "What happened, Nix?" he asks her as she looks away. Then Cassandra plays with her braid. "I think, I have a good idea," she states as Nix nods. "That's what I'm gonna show you," she informs them as they both looked at her. She then held her hand out to Cole, he grips it and pulls her to her feet, then Nix held her hand out to Cassie, she looks up at her, took her hand and Nix pulls her back to her feet. "But first we gotta get you two a boat," she states, tapping Cassandra on the nose, making her jerk back a little and blink a few times. Cole smirks at her and she gave her the 'Don't.' look, then they followed after her.

They then step onto the street "And these 'ol boys got a real boat." she informs then and flashes away. She arrives at the gate as the two ran after her and she blew it right up. Cassie sent out a vortex and sent the Militia flying away, Cole and Nix combine their powers and sent the men flying in all directions, wounding them. Cassie restrains them and then climbs up to the second floor as Nix appears next to her, "Cassie, baby." Nix states and Cassie fires at them, combing their powers, sending them flying. Nix laughs to herself and then flashes back to Cole. Then Cassie climbs up and pulls out her whip and cracks it at the Militia and sent them flying off the roof and smacks against the ground.

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