Out Of Reach....

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When Hao Ting's mother and sister arrived at the hospital, they went straight to Dr Lin's office. Upon arriving, Yong Ching knocked the door and was soon let in by Dr Lin.
"Take a seat", Dr Lin said to them. As they seated, Dr Lin brought a document from her desk and placed it on the table between them and walked back to her desk. "What do you care to have?", she asked them as she held the telephone.
"Nothing, we're quite in a rush", Hao Ting's mother answered her.
"Okay", Dr Lin said as she walked back and took a seat.
"What might this be?", Hao Ting's mother said to her as soon as she seated.
"It's the CT scan results of Yu Shi Gu that I recently got hold off from a previous colleague of mine", Dr Lin said. Hao Ting's mother took the envelope from the table without a moments thought and opened it.
"So his hippocampus was badly damaged as cause of the accident", Hao Ting's mother said as she flipped through the scans. Yong Ching looked at her mother, then at Dr Lin; who was reflected her exact surprised expression. "So with that being said, he could wake up with short-term or long-term memory loss. These scans indicate that he will indefinitely suffer from amnesia but it's a relief that other parts of the brain look alright", she continued. "But how come this sort information didn't come up during the first time you ran tests?", she asked; still looking through the scans. Realising that, not even a squeak came from Dr Lin; when she spoke; she lifted her head; placed the scans down on her lap and looked at her. "Is something wrong?", Hao Ting's mother asked them.
"No. Nothing is wrong, I'm just surprised at how you knew all that just by looking", Dr Lin said.
"Yeah Mum, how did you know all that?", Yong Ching also said.
"I went to medical school but that's not the issue here. You haven't answered my question", she said as she looked at Dr Lin.
"I don't really have the answer for that but I do apologise for not doing further tests", Dr Lin said.
"My husband told me that you thought that he he is brain is dead but from the look of these results, it doesn't seem like that's the case", Hao Ting's mother said.
"I am sorry for the inaccuracy of the pervious results but right now our focus is on finding the patient, isn't it?", Dr Lin exclaimed. Hao Ting's mother fixated her gaze at Dr Lin.
"What hospital is these results from?", Yong Ching asked; to break the silence.
"The person didn't state it, I'm afraid", Dr Lin sighed.
"Another unreliable source", Hao Ting's mother said as she put the scans back in the envelope.
"You're....", Dr Lin began but stopped.
"You're what?", Hao Ting's mother enforced. Dr Lin was about to finish her sentence, when she noticed her guests getting up from their seats.
"Where are you going?", Dr Lin said as she stood.
"We have to be elsewhere, this meeting wasn't supposed to last long. If we could have spoken over the phone, it would have been much better but also we wouldn't have had the chance to get these", Hao Ting's mother said as she motioned to the envelope.
"I'm afraid you can't take those, they're very confidential", Dr Lin said as she stood.
"I know but this is the only evidence we have of his current condition and as a previous medical student, you have my word that I won't lose it", she said to Dr Lin. Dr Lin wanted to protest but she saw the certainty and desperation in her eyes; that she gave in.
"Okay but you must return them once the patient is found", Dr Lin urged.
"I will", Hao Ting's mother said with a smile. Dr Lin was going to walk them to the door but they waved her off and left her office.
"I don't know if I did the right thing giving them the real results", Dr Lin said with a conflicted heart.

Hao Ting's mother had made a call to her husband to let him know what had happened. Initially she had wanted to go home and wait for the others but decided that it would be best to visit an old friend; that she went to medical school with; whom became a surgeon.
"If you just spoke to Dad, shouldn't we be making our way to the station?", Yong Ching asked her mother when she noticed the change of direction.
"I wanted to at first but I think just want to double check something", her mother answered her.
"Double check what exactly?", she enforced.
"That these CT scans aren't fake", her mother said; stopping at the red light.
"What do you mean? If they aren't fake? Do you think Dr Lin lied to us?!", Yong Ching said shocked.
"I don't know for sure but it looked like she was either unsure or hesitant to explain things further", her mother pointed out.
"Why do you think that?", Yong Ching eagerly asked her.
"When we get there, we'll know for sure", she said to her. Yong Ching still asked a million more questions during the rest of their journey but her mother just refused to make anymore assumptions; and soon enough she gave up.

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