One Direction and Eden

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Liams POV.

 It was saturday. I remember it like it was yesterday, yet it was just last Saturday... I had gotten a call from mum. *Flash back* "Hey sweetie. How are you and the boys?" My mum asked softly, you could tell something was wrong because of how she asked. "Fine, whats wrong?" I ask a bit worried. "Oh.. Well do you remember the Andre family?" She asked me and a picture of a really pretty girl popped into my head. We had spent a summer together when she was in the seventh grade. I was 16."Yes." I say a little worried. "Well... Her Mum passed away... And I think we should have Eden come live here. Since she has no one else... I dont want her alone, Liam. I cant live with that, she'll go to a foster home." I could hear my mum starting to tear up. I was silent, not to be rude, but I was thinking. What could I do? Hm... My parents both already have enough people in the house as it is. "Ill take her in." I said almost immediatly as I remembered my mum was on the other end of the phone. "Oh my gosh, Liam are you sure?" my Mum asked super happy. "Yes Mum. She cant be that much trouble!" I chuckle. "Alright sweetie. Ill call her and talk to her about it to see what her thought is of it." My Mum said. "Okay, Well i gotta go. The boys just got home, I need to tell them the news." I say. We say our goodbyes and hang up. *Flash back over* Its now Wednesday. The first day I get to see Eden since I was sixteen. "Liam?" I swear I heard someone say my name.. Nahh. Im just hearing things. "LIIAAMMM!" I come back to life. "My God, BooBear, SETTLE DOWN!" I say completely shocked from that shriek. He chuckles and apoligizes. "We must go to your Mums now." Louis says jumping around. This is going to be intresting......

Edens POV.

I'm at my home.. My soon to be old home.. I have all my stuff packed, and Im nervous. Gee, Im so nervous. What if they dont like me? What if Liam thinks Im ugly? Oh my Gosh. Hes gonna be like my dad. Ive never had a dad. What if he doesnt like me?! What if he gets rid of me?! Oh my Gosh. Oh my Gosh. EDEN CALM DOWN. I say to myself. I have to calm down. I focus on putting the rest of my clothes into a box and grabbing my bag. I pick up the last box and carry it down stairs. Im going to miss my home.. Yet, Itll be good, I wont have to deal with the fact my mum died in this house less then fourty eight hours ago. A tear slips out from the corner of my eyes and I immediatly feel them start to fall. This is the first time Ive cried in the last fourty eight hours. Why? Because My Mum was dying. She was dying in a painful way, through Cancer. But its all over, shes in a better place. And Now I dont need to work to support my Mum and I. A knock on the door interuppted my thoughts. I wipped my tears away and put a smile on my face. I answered the door. "Hi, I dont know if you remember me, But Im Liams Mum." A lady says smiling. "Hi, Mrs.Payne. I remember you." I say as she pulls me into a hug. I hug her back and smile. We load all of my stuff into the car and ride to her house in a peaceful silence. It took about an hour to get to the Paynes, But that was okay. When we got to Mrs.Payne's home, we went inside. "The boys should be here soon." Mrs. Payne says to me. I smile, and then think about what she just said, Boys? Maybe she means Liams younger brother? Wait does Liam even have a younger brother?? Maybe hes like a toddler or something. I rest my mind and dont think about it again.

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