Chapter Nineteen

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I quickly got out of English as soon as possible once the class had finished. I need time to recollect my thoughts, they are everywhere right now and I don't know what to do. Harry has a gun with him? Who even brings guns to school? How did he get one? I am so confused right now, I want answers and I intend to get them.

I approached my locker slowly, trying to catch my breath. I unloked it and put all of my English textbooks inside, then taking my French one out before slamming the locker door shut.

"Hey." a voice startled me. I jumped slightly as  was taken a back by the sudden greeting as my mind was elsewhere.

"H-Harry." I stuttered.

"You okay, S?" He looked at me, concerned.

"Yeah." I smiled. "S?" I asked. He's never called me just by that.

"You seem a little on edge after English, are you sure everything is okay? And yeah, it's quicker to call you that, hope you don't mind." He smiled before re-adjusting his bag on his shoulder. For a moment, I had forgotten what it was that was bothering me, but I snapped back to reality quikly as I realised that I had to ask Harry... now.

"I'm... well, I need to ask you something." I hesitated before looking around us. The hallway was pretty busy so to discuss the contents of Harry's bag here wouldn't be such a good idea. "But not here," I suggested.

"Oh, okay, let's go to my car." He said before walking away. I quickly followed behind, silently hoping that what I had seen earlier was just a figure of my imagination.


Once we has reached Harry's car - which was parked right at the back of the car park, may I add - we both hopped inside. It was silent for a few minutes - I stared out of the window the duration of the time - before Harry spoke up.

"What's bothering you?" He asked quietly. "Look at me, babe." he pushed. My heart fluttered at the sound of the word "babe" falling from his plump lips. He cupped my chin before turning my head towards him. My mouth fell open, but I quickly closed it as that probably looked very unattractive. He smiled as I locked my eyes with his. His eyes went from mine, to my lips, then back up to my eyes again before leaning in. 

"Harry, I-" I whispered. But was interrupted but him telling me to be quiet. I fell into some sort of trance, feelings of an emotion that I had never truly felt before took over me as I leant in too, and eventually met his lips with mine. Once again, our lips moved with each others. Harry leaned in closer, deepening the kiss. Minutes later, we both pulled away, breathing heavily. I faced the front of the car, trying to collect my thoughts. We stayed silent for another moment, before Harry began to speak.

"Look, I know what you want to talk to me about." He sighed. My heart started beating - no, more like thumping - against my ches real hard. Mentally, I prepared myself for the worst. "So I should explain." He hesitated. I looked at him and gave him a small smile, assuring him that it's ok. "Well, my parents, they like to know that I am safe, and can protect myself, so they gave me this hand gun." He said, glancing towards me. I looked into his eyes and urged him to continue. "And the tisse with the blood, well, that's my blood." He chuckled. "It was my hand, I just didn't see a bin while walking to class. Either that or I was just completely oblivious to my surroundings. But I hope you think I didn't, shoot anybody." He smirked at me before taking my hand. Something about what he just said made me believe him. I mean, my dad gave me a gun to protect myself so I can understand why Harry's parents would give him one too. Plus, I'm not afraid of being around guns, I guess I'm used to handling it now. I relaxed my body before speaking to Harry.

"It's okay, I believe you." I smiled. "I guess it just took me by surprise." I alughed lightly.

Harry chuckled before replying. "I hope it doesn't make you feel uneasy being around guns," he asked, although I sensed a hint of sarcasm in his tone. My heart began to hump against my chest again. He doesn't know about my training, does he? I shook my thoughts away as Harry continued speaking.

"Uh, n-no it's okay. I'm not bothered." I stuttered, giving him a small smile. He nodded before both of us falling into a moment of silence.

"Look, Sierra, I don't want us to have any secrets between us because it's just that I like you, a lot, and I know that you probably think differently of me, I understand that but right now I know that I like you so fucking much. I don't know how or why this happened but it's true." He stopped, breathless from his confession. My eyes widened once I processed what Harry had said.

"Harry, I'm uh, I-" I paused before quickly getting out of the car and running back into school. Fuck, I thought to myself. What the hell just happened? I was meant to go to his car just to have some privacy to talk about the fact that he had a gun in his school bag. Ok, sure we got to that part eventually, but I KISSED him. That was not meant to happen. Then he said he liked me, a lot... Do i like him too? Fuck. I'm so confused right now, my head is pounding and my chest feels heavy. I just need to get out of here and away from Harry just to give myself time to think. I thought to myself. I had so much to process in my mind at once right now. I decided that instead of going to the rest of my classes, I'd go home because I can't face Harry right now. I feel like such an idiot just running away from him like that.

Always running away, aren't you? My subconcious added.


For the rest of the day, I sat in the living room watching re-runs of Friends while eating a pizza then snacking on a packet of Skittles.

After over four hours of doing so, there was a knock at the door. I hesitated before pausing the tv then walking towards the door slowly before swinging it open. It was Alec.

"Sierra, can I come in?" He asked breathless. His hand was holding his head up and his right eye was bruised slightly and a little swollen too. I nodded frantically before pulling him gently inside and started walking towards the kitchen. I quickly went into the freezer, pulling out an ice pack then wrapping it in a cloth before handing it to Alec who was already sitting down.

"Thanks", he sighed, hissing as the ice touch the area of the swollen eye.

"What happened?" I asked before pulling a glass out of the cupboard and pouring in some water. I slid the glass to Alec slowly, still waiting for an answer. He took a few sips before speaking.

"It was nothing really." He blatantly lied. I scoffed, stiffling a light chuckle.

"Don't give me that shit, Alec. Stop lying to me for once and actually tell me the truth. What happened to always telling each other everything, no matter what? You know you're like a brother to me and can trust me with anything." I pleaded. I'm done with all this bullshit. I need answers.

"Okay, fine." He breathed in and out heavily, glancing at me before taking another sip of his water. I kept my eyes on him, silently waiting for an explanation.

"I just... didn't do my job right." He sighed, hissing once again as he put more pressure onto his eye with the ice pack. I took a seat in front of him before speaking.

"What do you mean?" I asked with curiosity.

"Look, I'm not talking about my normal day job. I'm talking about something... to do with your training." He sighed before using his spare hand to run through his hair. I narrowed my eyes at him, confusion was most likely plastered on my face right now.

"Your job is just to train me though?"

"Sierra, it's a bit more than that." His voice cracked a little.

"Please tell me you're not going to cry," I laughed lightly.

"Don't try to make light of this conversation. I'm done with all this lying. It's about time someone told you what is really going on here." There was a lot of seriousness to his tone. He gently put the ice pack on the unit in front of him, before shifting slightly getting himself comfortable.

"Tell me everything, please." I said sternly.

"Where do you want me to start?"

"The beginning."

I have posted the first chapter of my Luke fanfic 'Months'. Please check it out and vote xx

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