Chapter 2

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"There coming!"

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

"Gasp!" I said waking up. Why do I keep having these wierd dreams? I thought to myself as I rubbed my head. "There you are!" I heard a voice shout behind me."Huh?" I looked behind me and saw those little creatures that serve Nox running at me.

All of sudden, one of the creatures pounced at me. "Get back her you little brat!" The creature yelled pouncing at me. "AAH!" I yelled shutting my eyes and blocking my face with my arms as I waited for impact.

"...Hm?" But it never came. I wasn't in the forest anymore, I was somewhere else. I was on a beach? "Hello?" I shouted out. I got up and walked to the shoreline. "Hello? Is anybody there?" I shouted once again. "Sigh. Where am I?" I mumbled under my breath.

I sat down, wrapping my arms around my knees and started to sob. "Oh father, I'm so sorry. This is that dolls fault." I cried to myself. I looked up with my eyes still shut. "I'm sorry mother! I shouldn't have been so-so.." I sobbed harder covering my face with my hands."stupid.." I whispered to myself breathing heavily.

"Hello child." I heard a voice boom behind me. I looked behind me with puffy eyes, and tear stained cheeks. "W-who are you?" I asked the stranger standing up. "Grugoloragram." Grugoloragram said bowing. "Grugoloragram? Wait! I've heard that name before! It was in one of my weird dreams!" I exclaimed pointing at Grugoloragram. He only nodded.

"I am ineed of acesstents princess." Grugoloragram said looking at me. And kneeling down to my level.
"But first." Grugoloragram said reaching behind him. "I should return this." He said holding out my doll towards me. "Gasp! How did you get this?" I asked Grugoloragram taking my mother's doll into my arms.

Grugoloragram only chuckled and shook his head. "All questions will be answered young Sadida, but now I need your accestenints." Grugoloragram said looking at me with a stern face. "Why do you need me? I'm not that much different from any other Sadida, the only thing I don't have in common with all the other Sadidas is that I'm a royal, and that's about it." I said to Grugoloragram looking down at the sandy surface below me.

"You're wrong princess, you have something special inside of you. It's a very strong power that only you posses." Grugoloragram said putting his hand on my shoulder. "But I've never felt that power in me. And even if I did I wouldn't no how to control it." I said hugging my mother's doll tightly.

"Aha, that's the reason you're here princess." Grugoloragram said standing. "I will help you control that power inside of you and make you see the potential you have." Grugoloragram said holding his hand out towards me.

Did I want this? Maybe he's just trying to trick me? Should I? I kept on thinking to myself as I hesitated to answer him. "Well?" Grugoloragram said looking down at me. "What about my father? Sister, and my brother?"
I said looking up at him. "Don't worry child, your family is safe." Grugoloragram said. "How could you be so sure?" I asked looking up at him.

But before he could speak a small tofu landed in between me and Grugoloragram. But it was different, it wasn't yellow, and it had blue circles around it's eyes. "Ah, Adamia." Grugoloragram said picking the small tofu up. "Is this your pet Grugoloragram?" I asked poking the small bird. "Hey! I'm no ones pet!" The small tofu shouted at me. "Gasp! It can talk?!" I said stepping back a little looking at the small bird with wide eyes.

"This is Adamia, I am training him." Grugoloragram said holding the small tofu out. "You're training a small, talking, tofu? To do what? Hunt for kamas?" I said with a deadpan face looking at the tofu and then at Grugoloragram. He only chuckled. "Don't let looks fool you princess."
Grugoloragram chuckled placing the small tofu down to the side. "Adamia." He then said looking down at the small tofu.

"POOF!" A large cloud of smoke came out of nowhere, and when I looked over I didn't see a tofu anymore. It was a dragon! "Holy Sadida! It's a dragon!" I said looking at the former tofu. The dragon only had a smirk plastered on his face. "This is Adamia, Adamia this is the princess of the Sadida kingdom, (Y/N)." Grugoloragram said with his arms behind his back. "Wait! Your the Sadida Grugoloragram was talking about?" Adamia said pointing at me.

"Yes I am." I said looking at Adamia with an annoyed expression. "Wow, I thought you would be taller." Adamia said crossing his arms. "Hey! I'm taller then you, shorty!" I shouted back at the small dragon. His eyes widened and a pink hue covered his face. "I'm not that much shorter then you!" Adamia said facing away from me. "Sure." I said to the dragon, bopping his nose.

"Princess, I await for your answer." Grugoloragram said interrupting my teasing. "Oh.. um, I'm not really sure Grugoloragram. If I except will you answer all my questions?" I asked looking up at Grugoloragram. He only nodded. "......" I didn't say anything. I wanted to know the truth, but I also just want to be back home. "Sigh. I-i except." I said looking up at Grugoloragram. "Knowing what kind of power I wield will prove useful to me and my kingdom." I said out loud looking down.

"Very well." Grugoloragram said looking down at my figure. "Let us get you settled in. Adamia,Please take the princess to the sleeping chambers in the temple and the meet me back here." Grugoloragram said looking at Adamia. "Yes Grugoloragram." Adamia said bowing. "Follow me." Adamia said walking into a forest.

~Time Skip~

"Are we almost there? My feet are killing me!" I complained to Adamia walking through the woods. "No! We just got in here not even a few minutes ago!" Adamia shouted looking at my exhausted figure. There was a silence between us for a couple of seconds. I then thought of a brilliant plan. "Adamia." I said looking at him with the most serious expression I could do. "What?" Adamia said giving me the stink eye.

"Carry me." I said in the most deadpan way possible. "What?" Adamia looked at me with a slight pink on his face. "Did I stutter? I said carry me." I said to Adamia, holding back my laughs. "It would prevent me from complaining." I said looking at Adamia with a slight smirk. There was a silence between us again. "F-fine." Adamia said looking like a tomato, crossing his arms.

"Yay!" I said, when all of a sudden I was picked up bridal style. "Don't complain, or I'll drop you." Adamia said walking forward avoiding eye contact with me. I felt my face heat up when he said that. This sure is gonna be one heck of a ride. I thought to myself as Adamia continued to carry me.

*End of Chapter Two*
*1,193 Words*

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