Chapter 5

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Grugoloragram took me into a small room in the temple. That had candles in it with a carpet and a bowl in the middle. "Sit." Grugoloragram said, pointing to a spot on the carpet across from him. I sat down across from Grugoloragram and waited. "Put the doll in the bowl." Grugoloragram said looking at me. I did what I was told and placed the doll in the bowl.

Grugoloragram grabbed some weird herbs and placed them into the bowl with the doll. Grugoloragram then started to chat some words while shaking the bowl. The bowl started float out of Grugoloragrams hands and towards the middle of the carpet.

A huge cloud of blue smoke then appeared above the bowl. "Hm..." Grugoloragram said squinting his eyes at the smoke cloud. "This dolls past is mysterious." Grugoloragram said fanning the cloud away. "Do you know why it's so lifeless all of a sudden?"

I asked looking up at Grugoloragram. "I do not." Grugoloragram said shaking his head. "But I'll see what I can do. Go back to the sleeping chambers and I'll inform you about the doll as soon as I can." Grugoloragram said standing up and opening the door.

I nodded at Grugoloragram and walked out of the room. "Thank you." I said to Grugoloragram before walking away.

*Time skip*

I sighed as I walked down the hallway of the sleeping chambers. "I miss father.. He would know what to do.." I said to myself while walking into my room. "Hey (Y/N). What's wrong?" Adamia asked while he sat on my bed.

"Why are you in my room?" I asked crossing my arms. "Waiting for you." Adamia said pointing at me. "Anyway. What's wrong?" Adamia asked again. I sighed and sat on my bed beside him. "I guess i'm a little homesick." I said while rubbing my eyes.

"Well, what if we did something that reminds you of home?" Adamia asked while he looked at me. I thought for a second before nodding. "We can garden." I said while rubbing the back of my neck. "Great! I know the perfect spot! C'mon!" Adamia exclaimed before taking my hand and leading me out of the sleeping chambers.

A couple of minutes passed and Adamia had brought us to a large dirt patch. "This place has been so bland for the longest time and a garden would spice it up a bit! What'dya say (Y/N)?" Adamia asked while placing his hands on his hips. I smiled and nodded. "What kind of garden should it be?" Adamia asked while crossing his arm's. "Let's do a flower garden!" I replied back in a cheerful tone.

"My family and myself always made the best flower gardens back home!" I added while clasping my hands together. Adamia smiled at me and nodded. "Let's get started!" Adamia exclaimed, I nodded and created some flower seeds.

*After planting/watering*

"I understand why you love gardening so much now!" Adamia exclaimed while wiping his forehead. I smiled and gave Adamia a small peck on the cheek. Adamia blushed and looked up at me. "T-thank you.." I stuttered while looking away out of embarrassment. "N-no problem.." Adamia stuttered back while rubbing his cheek. "..." "...". "So.. Are you hungry?" Adamia asked while looking down and rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Y-yeah.. A l-little.." I stuttered out while I fiddled with my thumbs. "I have some fruit and stuff at the sleeping chambers if you want that." Adamia said while looking up at me. I smiled and nodded. "Sounds good!" I exclaimed while giggling a little. Adamia smiled softly before picking me up bridal style and running towards the sleeping chambers extremely fast. "Whoah!" I giggled while holding onto Adamia tightly.

Adamia soon came to a stop, while dirt trailed behind us. "I didn't know you could run so fast Adamia! Especially with your little legs!" I joked while laughing. Adamia's happy expression shifted into a bored one. "Harh, harh, very funny." Adamia said blandly while he walked down the hallway of the sleeping chambers, with me still in his arm's.

"(Y/N)~" a voice echoed around the hall. "Did you hear that Adamia?" I asked Adamia while stepping out of his arm's. "Hear what?" Adamia asked while shrugging and looking up at me. "Come to me (Y/N)~" The voice echoed once more. "That!" I shouted while looking around cautiously. "I-I think you might be hallucinating from hunger, considering you haven't eaten in a while (Y/N).." Adamia said while grabbing my hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

I sighed. "Maybe you're right... Let's just keep going.." I said while walking in front of Adamia, while his hand was intertwined with mine. "Stop ignoring me (Y/N)... I know you can hear me.. You will be a powerful goddess for our brotherhood the dragon has trained you... Adamia as well.." The mysterious voice echoed. Before disappearing once again. I scoffed and picked up the pace. "(Y/N)? Is something wrong?" Adamia asked while trying to keep up with my pace.

I came to a sudden stop and squeezed Adamia's hand tightly. "I'm fine.." I said before I let go of Adamia's hand and walked the rest of the way down the hallway.

3rd P.O.V

Adamia sighed as he watched (Y/N) walk down the hallway. "What's wrong (Y/N)?!" Adamia shouted while crossing his arm's and looking at (Y/N). "I said it was nothing Adamia, you were right, I'm just hallucinating." (Y/N) said while looking at Adamia over her shoulder before she continued to walk down the hallway. "(Y/N)... I know that look.. Tell me what's wrong... Please.." Adamia said while running up to (Y/N) and grabbing her hand.

(Y/N) stopped walking. "Can we just... sigh, Can we just go eat?" (Y/N) asked Adamia while looking down. Adamia sighed and nodded. "Ok.." Adamia said with a heavy sigh before letting go of (Y/N's) hand and walking in front of her, and towards his room. (Y/N) followed, while keeping her head down.

*End of chapter 5*

*Word count: 1,024*

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