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"Amalia!" I yelled my older sisters name. *Thudd, Thudd, Thudd* "I can here you! If you surrender now, I'll go easy on you next round!" *Thudd, Thudd, Thudd* "Hmm, I got it! Fine I guess if we're going to do this the hard way, then fine bye me. I'll just go throw all your new dresses outside." I said.

"(Y/N)!, don't joke about that!" Amalia fussed at me as she came running towards me. "Sorry, I couldn't think of any other way to get you out of your hiding spot." I said. "That's the point of hide and seek (Y/N)! you're supposed to find the hider!" Amalia shouted. "Hehehe, sorry" I laughed.

"Amalia, (Y/N)." Armond said as he walked towards us. "Hi Armond! Happy early birthday!" I said in a cheerful tone as I gave my older brother a hug. "Thanks (Y/N)" Armond said as he ruffled my hair. "Father wants us all in the throne room, he said he has a surprise for us." Armond said.

"Really?!" I said, in an excited tone. "Let's hurry up then!" Amalia said. "I'll race you guys!" Armond said in a playful manner. "You're on!" Amalia said. "I'll meet you guys at the throne room!" Amalia, and Armond turned, and saw (Y/N) dashing for the throne room, they both started to run after you, while trash talking towards one another.

*Time skip*

"I win!" I shouted as Amalia and Armond came running (more like walking) behind me breathless. "Hahaha!" My father, Oakheart, laughed at our silliness. "Come now my children, there is something I must show you." My father said as he motioned us towards a secret door under the throne.

"Whoa!" I said as we walked down a secret hallway. "Here we are." My dad said, as he gestured towards a beautiful wooden chest. "This was your mothers. She told me before she died, to give the items in this box to you children." My father said, as a shadow casted over his eyes, and sadness filled his voice.

"What?! How come you're only showing us this now?!" Armond shouted. "Armond calm down, daddy must have a good explanation for this, but let's just put that aside, and see what mother left for us." Amalia said, as she put a hand on Armonds shoulder.

"But-" Armond was cut off when father opened the chest and handed each one of us something wrapped in smooth leaves. "Amalia is right, I'll tell you why I've kept this a secret from all of you once you have opened your gifts." Father said.

I opened my gift slowly, trying not to tear the wrapping. "A doll?" I said a little confused. "Uh, papa I already have a dolly." I said, as I held the doll in my arms. "I know my little daffodil, but this doll was your mothers. It ment a lot to her, she treated that doll as if it was her own child." Father said smiling slightly.

Amalia opened her gift next. "Gasp! Is this what I think it is daddy?!" Amalia said on the verge of tears. "Yes." My father said as he watched Amalia admire her gift. I looked at the gift and realized what it was. "Is that mom's wedding dress?" I asked. "Yes my dear." Father said as he watched Amalia twirl with the dress in her arms.

Then it was Armonds turn. "..I.. don't think I should.." Armond said as he slowly looked away from the gift. "Armond! It's a gift from mother don't you think you should respect her wishes and-" Amalia was saying until something hit her in the back of the head.

It was the doll! Amalia looked at me "what was that for?!" She shouted at me. "It wasn't me it was the doll!" I said as I picked up the plush from beside of Amalia's foot. "Children please! Enough already!" My father demanded. Me and Amalia stood up straight, looking away from each other.

"You're dismissed, except for you Armond, I wish to talk to you In private." My father said as he looked at Armond with a tense face. "Y-yes father." Armond said as he hung his head a little. Me and Amalia were walking back to the throne room when my doll started to act up again. "Whoah! Amalia a little help?" I asked as I tried to hold down the dolls legs and arms. "Amalia?" I asked as I looked up. She wasn't there. "Ugh!" I groaned as I carried the doll back to my room.

"I wonder why mom would have such an energetic doll like you, it's kind of rare to find a doll with that much energy." I said as I nuzzled the doll, trying to go to sleep, and it eventually worked




"(Y/N), grugoloragram is in need of the assistance from you"

"Follow the doll"

"Follow the doll"

"Follow the doll"


"FOLLOW THE DOLL!" I shouted as I woke in a cold sweat. I started to feel around for my doll for comfort, but I couldn't find it, I started to panic. I turned to look if it feel out of bed until..

"Gasp!" I said as my doll jumped out the window. 'If I don't get that doll back soon, I'll be grounded for life!' I thought to myself as I ran out of my bed. I took a running start and then jumped out of the window.

I was falling, I had to think of something quick. As I was getting closer to the ground I summoned a huge flower to catch me. "Whew!" I said. "Wait a minute, I just jumped out of a window, I could've died... that was AWESOME!" I shouted as I laid on my back and kicked my feet into the air.

I then remembered the whole reason I came down here. "When I find that doll I'm-" I mumbled to myself as I looked for my doll. I finally found it in a bush, but before I could grab it, it did a zigzag and started to run into the forest. "Hey get back here!" I shouted as I chased the plushie into the woods.

"I..' you now!" I shouted as I pointed at the cornered doll, all of a sudden everything was black.

Heyo! I hope you guys like the story so far, I'll try to update on this book as much as I can.

<1,083 words>

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