2. Changes All Around

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*song is for part 1

"It's harder to know just where to go
If only the stars aligned the sunsets glowed
I don't need a calm in a storm
Or something to scream about with empty lungs." (Anthem of the lonely by Nine Lashes)

It takes ages to build a bridge to a different world and two blink-less seconds to destroy it. A little girl learned this the hard way, by experiencing it. The last thing she did before blacking out was see the bridge she had built from the top of the Sanohara building to one nearby crumble under her weight because of a ghastly hero.

She saw him as she fell from the great height, he was looking straight at her with hair standing up and a scarf thingy moving around him. When she came to, she was in a soft bed, covered by a warm blanket. She kept her eyes closed, because there was someone else in the room. Two people actually, one of which she recognized as the lady from the orphanage.

"I know your intentions are good, sir, but I don't think this is would be best for her or for you. She is what I would call a trouble child, she's always getting into fights with other kids, she's aggressive and impulsive. This attack today goes to show what harm she is capable of..."

"Yes, you've mentioned all this and I still think she could be charged for the better" a guy with a deep voice spoke. "Maybe the environment or the company pushed her to do this. I don't mean this as an accusation, it's just a theory. A change of scenery could help her calm down and become more agreeable. It might be worth the shot..." Suddenly, he turned around, approached the bed and said "You're awake. That's good, it shows you weren't serious hurt."

The girl stopped feigning sleep and looked at the young man next to her. He was pretty tall, well-built, with dark hair and trying to bore a hole into her with his glare.

"Honey" said the lady "I'm afraid the trouble you've caused makes it impossible to keep you at the orphanage. But don't worry, this nice gentleman has offered to shelter you for a while, so you'll be going with him. I'll send your things over to the new address by evening. Okay? Okay" She seemed very satisfied with herself as she left.

Alone with the stranger, the girl wasn't uneasy. The attack on the Yomakura district had been a sign of revolt and she had gotten what she wanted. The man suggested they introduce themselves, but what's a name to a kid? She didn't tell him hers, anyway. He decided to go home, so she followed him.

They walked in silence and it was painfully obvious he hadn't had to deal with a kid before since he took huge steps, left her behind and then had to wait for her to catch up. What got into me when I volunteered to take her in? Someone else probably would have. She wouldn't be left on the streets either way. There was something about her, though...

They got to an intersection and when the light turned blue, the man was startled that the girl grabbed him hand before crossing. He was still looking at her strangely when she said as explanation "My mom said I should hold an adult's hand when crossing a street." They finally arrived at his appartment, with him doubting his decision even more and her wondering about her future.

"Welcome to your new temporary home" he told her "Make yourself comfortable, I guess..."

The girl was still standing a few meters away, with a fight-or-flight stance, gaping at the Eraser Head and taking in the somewhat familiar appearance. Stranger danger warnings came to mind, but this situation didn't fit the profile. Still, his words were cause for uncertainty. What did he see in me that determined this course of action on his part? And who goes around waving such offers to strangers?! It'd be cruel if it weren't true...

"Is this some elaborate hoax?" she said in a strained voice. She didn't dare allow herself to rejoice at the incredible opportunity before knowing it was for real.

"Why would it be? You show potential, but your background doesn't allow you to use it properly through training. I took the liberty of stepping in and I got you this chance. Now, to not drag on this conversation any longer, do you accept or not?" replied Aizawa, his face inscrutable as always.

"Yes, I do accept" the girl said, already more relaxed. "Thank you."

"Good, so let's go" he said, moving away. "If you are to benefit from this experience, you should start as soon as possible. Principal Nezu expressed his wish to get the paperwork over with quickly, so we're going there right now"

The girl followed him, almost leaping to keep up and tried to get more information out of him. "So what exactly are the terms for my admission?"

"Given the unconventional way it went down, you won't be a full-time student, so to speak. You get a one month trial period, in which time you should prove yourself and convince the teachers you are someone who would be useful as a hero. If your performance is acceptable, there is the possibility of extension to a year, or even the whole three." he took a small break and realized there was one important thing he hadn't asked "By the way, what is your name?"

"Fumiko Hanabi" she answered with a smile. As organized and systematic as he is, there was one thing he overlooked. This isn't something you see every day...

He nodded as if the name matched the image he had of her, and led her all the way to UA and then to the principal's office. After greetings, introductions and various pleasantries when Nezu cheerfully announced "he could be a mouse or a dog or a bear, but most importantly he was the principal", they got down to business.

"As Aizawa-kun has probably informed you, Fumiko-san, you are here only for a month, after which the teachers and I will decide whether we should prolong your stay. About the paperwork..." he stopped to see what she was rummaging in her bag for and chuckled when she took out a thick stack of papers and deposited them on his desk.

"You see, I filled in the necessary information some time ago in hope that it would bring me closer to my goal, all I'm missing is the signatures." she said softly and suddenly shy.

"Very well, then. You will start tomorrow in Aizawa's class and we will talk again this time next month. Your hero costume will not be ready in time, but you will get it soon enough. That will be all." Fumiko got up to leave, thanked Nezu and left, without hearing the creature's "Good luck! You will likely need it."

"It goes without saying that you should keep a close eye on her, Aizawa-kun" the principal said to the teacher, who was leaning again a wall. "Her quirk and full abilities are still a mystery and there's no telling what she can do. But I do agree with you, something about the way she carries herself, the way she speaks and moves spells great power and yet much room to grow."

Fumiko was still waiting in the hallway when Aizawa left the office. He threw a uniform her way and she caught it careful as if it were something fragile.

"Classes start at 8:40, be here around 8 for homeroom. They end at 16:10. Physical education and hero lessons, which involve hands-on hero training are somewhere in the schedule that you will take from your classmates. Don't think anyone will go easy on you because you're new. That's one of the risks you took. Now, go home and get some rest. Tomorrow might be a tough day for you." he said, walking away.

Fumiko remained where she was a while longer, looking at the uniform which showed she had something tangible to work for and thinking about what her first day of high school would be like, all the people she will meet, all the things she'll get to learn. I'll show them my skills. My future depends on it. But will that scare the others away? I hope not...

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