8. Opening Books

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*song is for part 2

Carpets are the most wonderful things you can find in a home. Whether they allow for seeing the four corners of the world by flying or just indoor activities like games or picnics, carpets are magical. Wai went through a phase where she "borrowed" Jio's clothes and wore them, even though they were too big.

She claimed they reminded her to be humble, because she "had much room to grow". There was something strange about seeing an eight-year-old girl move around the apartment dressed with a shirt she could fit her shoulders through and pants that threatened to slip off at every step.

She especially liked to lie on the ground back then, so much and so unexpectedly that the man almost stepped or tripped on her multiple times. One day which she spent sulking, she was making snow angels on the fluffy carpet, staring straight ahead and stopped with her limbs stretched away from her body, like a starfish. That's how Jio found her, when he came to the living room with a book in hand.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"This carpet is so fluffy, it's like it will slowly suck me in..." she said distantly, staring at the ceiling. "It's nice."

"Really?" The man lied down next to her. "You're right, it's awesome. But that doesn't explain why you've been rotting here for the past few days."

She didn't speak right away, but when she did, it wasn't to answer his question. "Where do you go at night?" He remained quiet so Wai continued as explanation, "I had a nightmare last week, the same one... I woke up in the middle of the night, came to your room, but you weren't there. Your bed was cold and unmade... It wasn't slept in. So where do you go at night?"

Jio looked away, not wanting to discuss it. "From what I know, the people who go out after sundown are either heroes and police, villains or doctors. I don't think you're a doctor, so that leaves two options. I couldn't help but wonder, you know?"

He started careful, "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up..." but was interrupted.

"You don't have to tell me. I don't actually want to know. Whatever your job is, that doesn't change anything. I'd stay by your side either way... Aren't they lovely, the stars?" She reached a hand towards the ceiling, but nothing was there.

He told her this. "Can't you see them?" Suddenly, the light that was coming in through the windows went off, leaving the room in pitch darkness. "Can you see them now?"

On the ceiling there were hundreds of spots, glowing timidly. The man, shaken by the light's disappearance, calmed down upon realizing that the windows had been covered and looked at the 'stars' too.

"Isn't it funny?" Wai said bitterly. "We can't see them during the day because of the sun. One nearby star eclipsing thousands of others. And this happens with people too. We observe them only under the cover of darkness."

"True..." the man responded. "Was it the wisdom stored in my clothes who helped you reach this conclusion?"

She laughed and nudged him in the ribs, then returned to her serious demeanor. "And what's even sadder, we see them all like on a canvas, but in reality, they are very, very, very far away from each other. Perspective makes it look like they are close, but they're not."

"Right..." Jio said, unsure of where the conversation was going.

"Are we like that? I feel like we're close, but what if we're actually on different planes? Are you a sun lost in the void, with nothing around for light years?" She had raised herself on her elbows and was looking at him with a concerned expression. He couldn't see it though, only the white hair, a ghost floating next to him.

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