5. Rabbit Hole

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*song is for part 2

There is something calming about an uneventful life. Theirs settled into an easy, carefree rhythm. They played (mostly Wai), they talked (mostly her, again) and they laughed (they both did). The girl was doing great at school, she had a few friends she liked to spend time with, but inexplicably, she preferred to stay at home with Jio.

He even asked her one day, "Why do you always refuse to go to your friends' house? I doubt I'm more entertaining than them. It's weird..."

Wai was drawing something, but answered, "You may find it strange, but I do like spending time with you. You're great and I have so much to learn from you! Look." She showed him a crayon drawing of a stickgirl and a stickman holding hands, both smiling really big. "You're my hero."

She smiled from ear to ear, with her eyes closed, then took out another sheet of paper and started drawing again. Then with a more serious tone, she said "I know I talk and move too much and can be a pain, but you're not trying to get rid of me, are you?"

"Of course not!" the man jumped to his feet and came to her. "I'm not trying to get rid of you. It's nice having you around. How else would I learn about the lifecycle of a butterfly or how to do a handstand?" They both chuckled at that.

"Joke aside, sometimes I think I'm not the best influence, that you'd be better off somewhere else, with someone else. I wouldn't want you to grow up faster because you want to copy me... But I accept your decision to be solitary. Now, why don't you hand me some of those crayons? I bet I can sketch a cooler animal."

Later on in the day, after an intense drawing contest and a suitable meal, it was time for Wai's bath. Jio was sitting on the floor, leaning against the door. His only purpose there was to make sure she didn't drown or flood the place. She was happily splashing and playing with some toys, narrating as she went.

"And the wave came and turned the boat over, throwing the people in the stormy sea." (the plastic boat was pushed to the bottom of the bathtub) "'Help!' they cried while trying to keep their heads above the water. 'Someone help us, anyone!'

Here he comes, Finn, the Otter Hero!" (an otter figurine is thrown is the water next to the people) "He scoops them up, one by one and takes them to shore. He's amazing! Look at that slick fur and muscular tail! No wonder he swims so fast! (the human toys were thrown out) "Hurray! He saved them all!"

"Hurray." echoed the man with less enthusiasm. "Another point for the spectacular Otter Hero. Did this one change his ranking in any way?"

"Jiooo" the girl whined "I've told you so many times. Finn doesn't care about ranking and popularity. He helps people out of the kindness of his heart because he wants to do good."

"So who is your favorite hero? Other than Finn here and me, of course. Pro hero, I mean..." he continued with a tiny smile.

"Hmm, that's a tough one... I think I like Ryukyu. She's part dragon! And Edgeshot. Have you seen how he can move his body?! So cool!" she answered excitedly.

"So you like heroes who are in the top ten, huh? But that doesn't matter, right?"

She threw a toy at him, dripping with water as it was, but didn't intend to actually hit him. "Don't be a wise guy. It doesn't suit you."

"Do you want to be a hero?"

"..." She was staring at Finn the Otter as if his playful, plastic face held the answer. "I think so. Yeah, I want to be a hero. And save people. And fight villains. That would balance out all the bad things I've ever done, right?"

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