lonely, alone

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She felt detached from the world and everything in it.
She felt as though everyone she knew didn't want her around anymore: she thought they were tired of her.
She felt like a cloudy day.

She felt like a dark, empty classroom.
She felt like she was practically invisible,
"If I slipped away right here, right now, at this very moment," she thought,
"I know nobody would notice me,
nobody would care."

It wasn't as if she hadn't anyone around her, no.
She had multitudes of people surrounding her, like a swarm of bees,
But the cold, stinging ​pain in her heart was evidence that that wasn't what she truly desired.

She was desperate to be wanted
To be longed for,
She wanted so badly for someone's eyes to light up when she entered the room,
she wanted to relax under the heat of someone's lips.
She wanted someone's smile to be because of her,
To be for her.
She wanted more than anything for someone to look at her when they laughed.
To show that in their happiness, they had her in their mind.
Above all else, she wanted to be engulfed within a pair of strong arms- reserved for her and only her- and for them to envelop her in a warm, safe refuge.

All she wanted was to feel loved
All she wanted was to feel love
All she wanted was love.

There's a difference between being lonely and alone,
she wasn't lonely;
she was alone.


hello, hello, again!

in this piece I used a stimulus/prompt I thought of: "there's a difference between being lonely and alone." -How did I do?

some of my friends and I have made an writing-related instagram page (@ lifethroughink). I'd love it if y'all checked it out and showed us some love on there

that's all for now, have a great day or night (wherever you are)


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