sonnet #223

35 2 2

It's impossible for me to get you off my mind
I imagine what life would be like
with you by my side
There may be a hundred thoughts that course through my mind,
And you may be one to nine-ninety-nine,
But that's alright,
I love the way you make me feel inside.


i am fully aware this is not a sonnet x.

You might as well think I'm a softie in love at this point, what, with all the love pieces I've put up here.

Oh welp \_(-_-)_/

These are the lyrics to a song I started a while back. I know I'm never gonna finish it, but I like it, so bam, it's here.

I prOmiSe that the next piece I put up will not be all loVey-dOvEy.


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