Chapter 31

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TW Betrayal ish

Virgil's POV

I swayed as we appeared in my room, both from my 'drained aura,' and from the unfamiliar sensation of teleportation. Remy steadied me as Thomas rose into the space, looking appropriately contrite.

He made eye contact with me and I raised a questioning brow in his direction. He shifted his weight awkwardly and glanced away. "So," I began, sitting down on my bed, "You know how to fight all of a sudden?"

"Yeah," Thomas shrugged, reticent. The Thomas I know is open about everything; we never keep any secrets from each other. I looked my brother up and down, taking note of his defensive posture, lack of eye contact, and pursed lips. Why is he acting so strangely?

"Care to explain, boo?" Remy prompted. Thomas sighed, appearing to resign himself to his fate as all defensiveness drained from his frame.

"Alright. So, you guys remember Remus, right?" I nodded slowly, confused.

"Yeah, Roman's cousin," I confirmed. Thomas shook his head in agreement.

"Well, as you know, we were friends before I... before I died," he reminded me. "He would always defend me from trouble; he's a great fighter."

"Where are you going with this?" Remy queried.

"I've been visiting him in london." My eyes widened slightly in surprise. Remy's eyebrows raised.

"You can travel that far?" he asked rhetorically. "Damn." My brother shrugged.

"Anyways, he's been teaching me to fight for a few months now, since your guys' big fight." I gaped at him. He's kept this secret from me for so long? Remy was marginally shocked, but seemed to recover rather quickly.

"Go off then, damn T," Remy praised. "We should spar sometime!" I stared incredulously at Remy. How can he just move on from that so easily? Thomas, heart on his sleeve Thomas, kept a secret from us for three and a half months! And he's learning how to fight? Thomas hates violence!

I can't believe he would do this, and hide it from me no less! "I need to take a walk," I stated, standing up and exiting the room, ignoring Thomas' call for me to come back.


I was two miles from my house when I sensed a disturbance in the air next to me.

"You ok, babes?" Remy asked, falling into stride next to me.

"He lied to me, Rem," I said, not even glancing his way.

"I know, gurl, I know," he sympathized. "But, hun, he had his reasons." I stopped short, turning to him.

"His 'reasons'? There is no reason to keep secrets from your family, Remy! He lied to me, for months! 'Sleepovers' with Talyn and Joan, 'walks' that took hours, 'getting sidetracked'... So many lies! I thought I could trust him!" I sniffed, blinking back tears. "And he's off learning how to fight, no less! He could get hurt!"

"Virge, I know you're upset, but can you try to see from his perspective? He knew you would disapprove of his activities, but he's trying to keep you safe," he reasoned. "And he can obviously handle himself, you saw him today! He kicked Deceit's ass! Give him some credit. He wouldn't lie unless he thought it was in your best interest." I sighed.

"You're right," I admitted, "as always."

"You know it, boo," Remy jokingly replied. "C'mon, let's get you home. You need to rest after what happened today." I nodded and took Remy's hand, closing my eyes as the world tilted around me, my surroundings swirling until they morphed into my bedroom.

Thomas was lying, face down, on my bed when we appeared. I clambered into bed next to him. "Scooch," I commanded. Thomas rolled over, making room for me to get comfortable.

"I'm sorry, Virge. I shouldn't have lied to you." I yawned.

"It's fine, Thomas. I'm going to go to bed." I shimmied under the covers, letting my eyes close. As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't shake the inkling that I had forgotten something important.


Roman's POV

I checked the clock. 7;18 PM. Logan sighed. "I assume he's not coming," he stated, unable to keep the disappointment out of his tone.

"Give him a few more minutes," Patton pleaded. "Maybe he's running late!"

Logan adjusted his glasses. "Patton, it's statistically improbable that he's just running late. Besides, you've been saying the same thing since 4:00pm. Accept it. He's not coming."

I glanced down. "I really thought he liked us," I whispered.

Logan let out a strained breath. "Me too, Roman. Me too."

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