Chapter 1

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TW Implied not eating (unspecified as to why)

Virgil's POV

I sighed, adjusting the straps on my backpack as I eyed myself in the mirror. I was wearing my favorite back combat boots, and my favorite pair of jeans. They were black, ripped, had straps hanging around the waist, chains attached at the hip, and buckled in random spots. Yes, it's emo, but I think it looks cool. I was wearing an off the shoulder grey sweater with a tank top on underneath. I felt a little naked without my hoodie, but I wanted to make a good first impression. My newly-dyed purple fringe was covering my eyes, but you could make out the dark eyeshadow I had applied. I put on all of my piercings, which I rarely did. (see end notes for descriptions of all of Virgil's piercings.)

"You ready to go Virge?" Thomas asked from his spot leaning against the wall.

"Give me a minute, Thomas." I put a black choker around my neck, and stepped back to get a better look at myself. I pursed my lips in appraisal before nodding my approvement.

"Whatta you think Thomas?" I asked, doing a quick spin for the ghost.

Thomas hummed thoughtfully. "I think... we need to get going or you are going to miss the bus!" I stuck my tongue out at Thomas before grabbing my phone off the bed and heading to my bedroom door "Also it looks so good on you, I love it." That made me snort. He couldn't not compliment me on my outfit. I shook my head affectionately.

"God, your hopeless, T."

"That makes two of us, V," he retorted, mocking my nickname for him. I groaned and threw open the door to my room.

"Morning, mum," I greeted, giving her a two-fingered salute as I entered our new kitchen.

"Morning, sweetie! Are you excited for your first day of school in the USA?" I groaned and dropped my head onto the table I had just sat at.


"Oh, come on, Virgil! It's a... fresh start! No bullies, a clean slate... it'll be great!" I considered my mother's words.

"I mean, I guess..." I mumbled.

"That's the spirit, honey!" Mum leaned down to press a kiss to my cheek as she set a plate in front of me, which I quickly wiped away with my sleeve.

"Mum!" She just laughed, sitting across me with her own plate. I looked down at my full plate of pancakes, bacon, sausage, and eggs.

"I'm not really that hun-" My mum cut me off.

"You are not leaving this table until you eat, Virgil." Her "mum voice" went into effect full-force, and I reluctantly picked up a fork and ate. I took small bites of the food, diligently ignoring Thomas cackling a few feet away. He thought it was hilarious how mum could make me do things by changing her tone of voice, and he was making that abundantly clear.

I heard a thump and hazarded a glance at him. I had to stifle a laugh of my own when I saw Thomas rolling on the ground in his laughter. He rolled into the oven and bumped his elbow, causing him to curse, mum to look up curiously, and me to cover my mouth to stifle giggles.

"What was that noise?" Mum asked.

"Probably just the house settling," I responded after I got my laughter under control, shrugging innocently.

I glanced at my phone, eyes widening when I saw the time. "Shit!" I winced at my mum's pointed glare. "Sorry. I gotta go, though. I have three minutes to get to the bus stop."

"Alright. I love you, sweetie. Have a good day at school! I'll still be at work when you get back so remember your keys!" She called as I gathered my stuff to leave. I held up a set of keys to show her that I had them, and opened the door. I let Thomas out in front of me and leaned back.

"Bye, mum. Love you!" I rushed out and closed the door, hearing a muffled 'I love you too' from through the door. I ran down the street to the bus stop, Thomas floating behind me. I got there, panting, just as the bus arrived, and Thomas and I climbed aboard. There was a two-seater open near the back, and I took it, Thomas sliding in next to me.

No one said anything to me as I boarded, for which I was eternally grateful. I pulled out a pair of earbuds and put them in, playing a My Chemical Romance album on my phone, and looked out the window as the streets of my new neighborhood blurred past.

Prepare yourself, Virgil, I told myself. You've got a long day ahead of you.
I had no idea just how right I was.


Virgil has three piercings in his right ear, and four in his right. He has a septum piercing and a regular nose piercing. He has two lip rings, and a piercing in his left eyebrow.
I hope you guys liked that chapter, I enjoyed writing it... if you have any feedback for me about my writing, please let me know in the comments, and feel free to viciously roast me if you see a typo. Thanks for reading you guys!

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