Chapter Six.

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I dragged my bag to the door, where I looked through the peephole. He wasn't there, so I slowly opened the door and dragged my bag down the hallway. Every corner I turned, I looked everywhere to make sure that he wasn't watching me. Then, I had finally made it to the lobby. I was plotting my escape when I heard a voice behind me.

"Oh, honey. You're gonna get caught. I would go back if I were you," the voice said.

I turned around and saw the woman from before.

"Why?" I asked.

"Come with me and I'll tell you," she said. I agreed and dragged my suitcase with me.

"Mr. March knows all. And even if you did escape, he'd find you again," she explained.

"But why am I so important to him?" I asked.

"When he starts a project, he needs to finish it. And when he gets something on his mind, he won't leave it be. So I suppose that includes you," she explained.

"Well, thanks for that info," I said.

"You're welcome. And if you ever need a friend, I'm always here," she said with a friendly smile. I smiled back and was about to go inside when I asked her what her name was.

"Liz Taylor," she responded.

"Breanna," I said and smiled again. I went back inside and closed the door for the night. When I got to my bed, I realized that my best friend Colleen had texted me seven times. All of her texts were asking about my location and how I was doing. I texted her that I was still at the hotel and I hadn't finished my writing. She told me that I was a nerd and that I should come back. I laughed and wrote that she needs to get a life. I put my phone down and drifted off to sleep.

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