Draw Me

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"We don't have to do it tonight, you know," Jack said as they walked into his room.

"Nonsense," Rose said. "I said you could draw me, so why wait?"

"Good point," Jack said, pulling up a couch for Rose to pose on. Then his eyes brightened. "I'll be right back."

Rose smiled at his back. Jack seemed happier now. He didn't look as stiff as he usually did. His normally perfect hair was messy, and he wasn't wearing his suit jacket.

Jack came back in holding a black velvet box. He opened it, revealing an enormous blue diamond on a chain.

Rose touched it. "Jack, it's beautiful. Where did you get it?"

"Callie bought it in France. It's called the Heart of the Ocean." He lifted it up by the chain. "I always thought it would look lovely on you."

Rose smiled. "Jack, I can't. What if Callie walks in, or-"

"I promise, that Callie won't come into my room tonight. She's at dinner, which will likely last for hours," Jack reassured Rose.

She nodded. "Okay."

When Jack handed her the necklace, a spark lit in her eyes. "Jack?"

"Hmm?" He was setting up a table with his pencils and sketchbook.

Rose fingered the necklace. "What if you drew me wearing only this?"

Jack looked up. His eyes went to Rose's, which were alight with excitement.

He swallowed and nodded. "Sure, yeah, we could do that."

Rose went off into a back room to change. She removed her dress, stockings, and boots. Then she took off her undergarments, and covered her newly bare form with Jack's long coat.

Rose walked out, shielding herself with the lapels of the coat. Jack stood from his seat, and took the Heart of the Ocean out of its box. He fastened it around Rose's neck, admiring how it made her cerulean eyes look brighter.

Slowly, Rose removed the coat. Jack took in a breath, marveling at the beauty of her body.

He pointed with his pencil. "On the bed, er, couch."

Rose moved to the couch, and laid across it, moving her arms to adjust her position.

"Keep your arms like that, and tilt your chin down a little," Jack directed. "Keep your eyes here." He pointed to his own eyes.

Rose took a breath, and laid still.

The time passed quickly. Rose watched Jack's hair fall in his eyes as he scraped the pencil across the paper. His ice blue eyes were focused and, at the same time, soft.

"I do believe you are blushing Mr. Big Artiste," Rose commented. Jack's already pink stained cheeks went darker at her words. "I doubt Mr. Monet would blush."

"He does landscapes," he replied, looking down at his half finished work. Rose smiled internally at his words.

The time passed quickly, making Rose balk. She knew it had been at least an hour, if not more, but every second in Jack's gaze had been pulled from beneath her feet like a rug.

Rose put his coat back over her nude form, and went to see the finished product. It was nothing short of beautiful. Jack's careful pencil lines had captured her slim body perfectly, the Heart of the Ocean glimmering off the page at the viewers.

"Thank you," Jack whispered. Rose leaned down, and caught his lips in a kiss.

"No," she said as they kissed. "Thank you."

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