Saved Me

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The bottom of the boat was even chillier than the top part, but it wasn't just that that was making Rose shiver. The officers dragged her through the halls, muffling her screams, and slapping her wrists every time she resisted.

When they got to the room, one of the officers left, his explanation that they needed more officers to manage the lifeboats.

Lifeboats. So the ship really was going down. Rose focused on this, ignoring the hungry stares from the officer guarding her.

After a while, he seemed to get bored, and he moved toward her, putting his hand on her face. Rose shook her head. "Please don't do this," she said fearfully.

The officer grinned, and undid her handcuffs, pinning her wrists to the wall. He covered Rose's mouth with his own, silencing her unborn screams. Rose tried to resist, but he was bigger than her. She noticed water seeping through the door crack.

The man started to undo Rose's buttons, sliding her dress down her back. He took off her undergarments, and then started to undo his own clothes. "No, no no," she whispered, backing against the wall and covering herself.

He grinned evilly, and put his hand on her breast. The man moved to kiss her again. Water was now filling the room, and it was up to her knees. The man didn't seem to notice.

Rose felt so alone. She was cold and wet and about to be raped. She closed her eyes, bracing herself-

Then she heard the door crash open. A fist flew to the man's face, knocking him out. His body landed in the water with a splash.

Jack's warm body embraced her, kissing her face, and telling her it was okay. "Shh. Rose, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Rose cried into his arms. He held her tighter as she did, realizing what could have happened tonight.

Jack helped her put the dress back on, kissing her neck as he buttoned the back up. When he was done, Rose turned and kissed him full on. "Thank you Jack. You saved me."

He kissed her back. "I love you Rose. I promise I'll always take care of you."

They finished the kiss, and hurried out the door. The water was up to their waists now, and they needed to get up to the front deck.

The only way up was through the third class entrance, and there was a gate barring it. Rose quickly located Fabrizio and Tommy.

"Are they letting anyone up yet?" she asked hurriedly.

Tommy shook his head. "They keep saying about how we'll be let up soon, but I doubt it. Third class isn't a priority here."

Rose shook her head. "It's awful. More people will die tonight if they don't do something!"

She pushed her way up to the gate. "Sir, you need to let us through. There are innocent people who could die tonight if you don't let us up."

He shook his head. "Sorry Miss, but the lifeboats are first-class only at the moment."

Rose shook her head. "If you care at all then you'll let us up! Don't make yourself responsible for death!"

He shook his head again, more firmly this time. "I value my job more than that."

Rose huffed and went over to Jack. "No luck."

Jack muttered a few profanities under his breath. Then his eyes fell on a bench attached to the wall. He ran over to it, pulling with all his might. Tommy, Fabrizio, and a few other men realized what he was doing, and went over to help.

Rose had people make a path. "Move out of the way."

The bench ripped from the wall, and the men thrust it forward, slamming it against the gate. The steward's protests were lost in the noise.

Eventually, the gate crumbled like a broken window, freeing the passengers to go up to the lifeboats. The poor steward was crushed by the many running people, eager to preserve their lives.

The ship was going down, and no one wanted to go with it.

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