Chapter 3 - Survivor

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Sam looked at the silver coins in her hand and sighed. Her other hand pulled the cape closer around her, a flimsy barrier against the cold wind. Icy rain smattered the sidewalks. The weather up here in the North really was a lot colder than she’d expected.

Seven coins… That wouldn’t even last her for the next couple of days. Not if she wanted a roof over her head, and in this weather there wasn’t really an alternative to that. She had to find work.

It had never occurred to her how expensive just the bare necessities were. Minny had taken care of the household finances, and not once had Sam accompanied her on one of her weekly market tours. She’d thought the two-hundred silver coins in savings she’d taken would have lasted her a few months. She gave a bitter chuckle at her own stupidity, and closed her eyes when the rain started coming down harder. 

She grunted when somebody walked into her from behind. A tall man started yelling profanities, shouting at her to get out of his way. The nauseating smell of alcohol wafted from him. She tried to move out of the man’s way, but he grabbed her collar and her hood slid off her head. His eyes widened and a grin stole onto his face.

Okay, time to go. Sam wriggled out of his grasp and hurried off in the other direction. After a few meters she turned to check that he wasn’t following her. Thank God, he disappeared.

Living in her father’s home near Powhatan City in an almost pastoral area, she’d never realized there were places of misery and poverty on Earth. During the past three weeks, she’d begun to realize how spoiled she really was. Daily showers had become a luxury she couldn’t afford anymore – mainly because guesthouses that offered showers cost more than the money she had. On good day, she’d be able to have at least one warm meal.

The backstreets, harbors and sometimes even entire districts in smaller towns were filled with crime, poverty and anger. With all the farmland on Earth, poverty shouldn’t even exist. At least according to official Aschen reports. Another one of those myths, apparently.

Sam pulled the hood back over her head. Not that it mattered. Her hair was soaked. But at least the cloth provided some shelter from the wind.

“Hey… hey girl.”

Sam jerked around when somebody touched her shoulder, and glared at the big man behind her. She’d learned that appearing unfriendly was a good defense against a lot of pestering that happened on the streets. “What?”

“I heard you’re looking for a job.”

Her eyes narrowed.

“Back at the store. You were asking for work.”

“Oh.” She had been. The shop owner had turned her down. Her heart beat faster. A job. Exactly what she needed to earn some money. “Yes, absolutely.”

“If you want, you can earn a few silver coins.”

She studied him. He had to be considerably older than her, and he looked well fed. Well, at least he wasn’t living in poverty, judging by his body mass. “That’d be great. What do you need me to do? I can repair almost anything. I’ll do cleaning or shop work too, and I’m good with numbers.”

“I got a few things that need repairing. I live around the corner.”

“Sounds good.”

He looked around and urged her towards a shady backstreet that led in between the houses where buildings provided a shield against the torrent of rain.

“What’s the payment?” Sam looked up at him. The man kept looking around.

“Depends on how good you are.” They reached a smaller backyard framed by walls. The man stopped.

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