Chapter 10 - Believe Again

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Jack rose from his chair when Siler and Stevens entered his tent pulling two completely wasted and giggling women with them. Carter and Maldoran. He raised his eyebrows.

“What’s going on?”

“Sir.” Siler straightened. “We found them in the forest, drinking.”

Jack’s face darkened and he dropped his pen. The forest. Carter knew she wasn’t allowed to leave camp. This was a serious breach of security. On top of that, she was on probation. “Did they go to town?”

“Judging from Maldoran’s expression when she said no, we assume they did. They had alcohol from the liquor store.”

“Lies.” Maldoran took a step forward and stumbled over the edge of one of the wooden boxes holding files.  Carter reached out to steady her, but lost her balance as well. The two women tumbled to the floor. They rolled over on their backs and broke into a fit of laughter.

 “Oh fer cryin out loud.” Jack rubbed his temples. This was ridiculous. The situation might have amused him had Carter not been a recruit and disobeyed a direct order. Again.

He folded his arms and glared at the women, who managed to get back on their feet with Siler and Stevens’s help. They still giggled whenever they looked at each other.

“Carter, Maldoran.” Jack slammed his palms on the desk. Both women jumped to attention—or at least they tried, before they both swayed. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“We’re having fun.” Carter beamed at him. Her little hiccup would have been endearing under different circumstances.

Jack narrowed his eyes when Vala stifled another giggle. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with two drunken soldiers this early in the morning.


Carter’s eyes widened. “S-sir?”

“You were under explicit orders not to leave camp.” He pinned her with a glare. She held his gaze. So she wasn’t even gonna respond? He growled. “Don’t you have anything to say in your defense?”

“S-screw the rules, s-sir. I’m done with them.”

She… what? He scanned her face in bewilderment. She still swayed, but the determination in her blue eyes was startling. Not many people had ever dared to speak to him that way to his face.

“Yeah.” Vala folded her arms. “Screw them. We’re starting a revolt.”

Jack shifted his gaze to Maldoran. This was beginning to feel like mutiny. Before he could say anything though, Carter turned to face the other woman.

“Wait, what?” She stumbled against Vala again. “Who s-said anything about a revolt?”

“It just has a nice ring to it. R-r-revolt.” Vala shrugged.

Jack walked around his desk and inhaled deeply, forcing himself to remain calm. Yelling would be useless. As wasted as the two were, they would remember very little once they sobered. “You two are completely out of line.”

“Out of line?” Vala glared at him, her speech slurring. She took a step towards him and almost stumbled again. “No, y-you are out of line. Do you even know what you’re doing? Why won’t you let Sammie beat up a guy who sexually harasses her? That, mister, is so out of line.” She tried to hit Jack’s chest but failed and instead nearly fell against him. Jack hurried to steady her before she hit the floor. If they kept stumbling around like this, they were gonna destroy his command tent.

“She’s a nice girl.” Vala ranted on. Jack raised his eyebrows. “Why do you do that to her? What did she do to you?”

“Vala.” Carter took a step towards them and grabbed Vala’s arm. She tripped and Jack half expected her to fall all over his desk, but she caught herself. “S-stop. What the hell are you doing?” She gave Vala a pitiful glare.

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