Chapter 7 - Respect

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“Watch the stance!”

Sam grunted when another sharp blow hit her right in the stomach, sending her to the ground. Her hands fisted in the dirt as she coughed and her eyes stung.

“I said, watch the stance!”

She struggled for breath as her instructor Cameron Mitchell came stomping onto the field, enraged and yelling curses in the process.

Her opponent, recruit Tim Hanson, shrugged. “Sorry, sir, I’m trying to go easy on her.”

“Well, that’s the problem, isn’t it?” Mitchell stepped between him and Sam. “You shouldn’t have to go easy on people. Nobody’s gonna go easy on her in the field. Up! Get up!” He pulled Sam to her feet. “What exactly went wrong?”

Sam hated the tears streaming down her face from exhaustion. Her hands fisted as she tried to inhale despite the protest in her lungs.

“I’ll tell you what went wrong, recruit. You allowed your opponent an opening because of your stance. If this was in the field and Hanson was using a knife, you’d be dead.” He shoved her back into the middle of the makeshift ring. “This time watch your defense. And you.” Mitchell jabbed a finger at Hanson. “Stop going easy on her.”

Sam glared at her close combat instructor, and wiped the back of her hand across her cheeks. After another deep breath, she went into position and faced Hanson. Every muscle in her body ached.

She’d been scheduled for combat training for weeks and with every day that passed, she made more mistakes. Stupid mistakes.

Mitchell was the youngest colonel in the camp. As one of the best fighters, he was tasked with overseeing the daily training sessions. He seemed a decent guy, except he kept yelling at her.


Sam winced and trembled, as he stepped up behind her and pushed her legs further apart. Maybe better manners wouldn’t hurt, either.

Her gaze fixated on her opponent. Feet apart, stance grounded. So far, so good. The instant Hanson attacked her, she jumped aside. Her fist struck out, but she failed to land a blow.

“Damn it, Carter!” So he was getting frustrated. Really? He wasn’t even the one getting beaten up.

Sam fumed. Hanson’s next blow struck her right in the face and she went tumbling to the ground. The world spun, her ears ringing. She clenched her hands as Mitchell stomped towards her again. “On your feet recruit! What do you think you’re doing? You think this is a vacation? Are you too stupid to listen to what I’m saying?”

Sam jumped up and glared at him. When the instructor reached out to grab her arm, she blocked his move with one hand, and slammed her fist into his face without caring for stance or technique. All he ever did was yell at her. She had enough.

Then she turned to Hanson and delivered a blow right to his stomach. There, that took care of his stupid smirk. She lifted her knee and hit him right between the legs. Satisfaction coursed through her as Hanson went to the ground, groaning in pain and holding his groin. Well, at least he was down. Screw the stance.

Mitchell took a step towards her. She shoved him away.

“Just shut up. I’m done here.” She turned around and walked off the training ground.

“Carter! Who do you think you are? You’re in so much trouble now. Get your ass back here at once. We’re not done here. I promise you, when I’m finished with you—”

“We’re done!” Sam wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. The corner of her lower lip began to swell up from one of the blows. She winced, when she touched the injury with her finger and a sharp pain shot through her cheek. Damn. If there was one thing that she would never do, it was cry in front of those people.

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