Chapter 11 - Briefings

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4 weeks later

Sam inhaled the crisp morning air and stretched with a yawn. The first light of dawn reflected in the drops of dew that clung to the grass from the previous night's frost. Today was the day. The start of a new life. She'd made it.

Balancing a cup of coffee in one hand, she looked at the label of the sandwich the kitchen aid had given her. Ham. She sighed. When would Janet take her off the alternate nutrients plan?

She pulled the tent flap aside and entered. Four of the remaining eleven recruits had already arrived. Sam nodded to them when they greeted her. Everybody still looked sleepy. Nobody liked these morning briefings, especially if they went on until the afternoon. Hopefully this one was her last briefing as a recruit.

She'd finished her last training exercise the previous day, passing all the tests with a decent mark. That made her eligible for assignment to a post within the resistance. At last, three months of training were finally ending.

One after another, the rest of the recruits filled the tent. Only eleven of them left. Aside from Hanson, who'd been kicked out, seven others had decided to leave training.

Sam smiled at Jason Morris as he took a seat next to her. "Don't you look awake."

Jason nudged her. "Have you looked in the mirror, Miss Tousled?" He chuckled when she ran her hand through her hair and smacked his arm. His eyes shifted to the bag in her lap. "That wouldn't happen to be a ham sandwich, would it?"

Sam laughed. "Trade you if you have a turkey one."

He held out his bag and they switched sandwiches. It had become somewhat of a ritual between them to trade sandwiches. Though she was still on an alternate nutrients plan, she didn't care for the heavy meat sandwiches Janet ordered her to eat.

"Good morning, recruits." O'Neill entered the tent, and walked past the wooden benches they sat on.

They stumbled to their feet and straightened. "Good morning, sir." It had become such an automated reaction, Sam didn't even think about it anymore.

"At ease, sit down." O'Neill placed some files and rolled up posters on the table in the front.

"During the past three months, you've all learned basic skills that enable you to survive our resistance operations. As of today, you're all considered full members of the resistance." He smirked. "That means no more curfews, no more restrictions."

Loud cheering filled the tent. O'Neill allowed them a moment before he cleared his throat.

"You know I don't like speeches, so I'm gonna cut it short. I hereby announce your official promotions to ensigns. Welcome to the organization. We looked through your training records to determine the ideal field of work for each of you according to your character and skills. Some of you'll leave us today to join other cells and continue work there."

Sam looked at Jason. Would he be in the same cell?

"During the course of today's briefings, you'll learn about your respective cell's operations, the history behind them, and what your tasks will be. In the evening, you'll have the opportunity to say goodbye to friends who got assigned to other cells. But please don't discuss any of the information you've learned during your briefings."

He sat down on one of the wooden boxes that served as chairs.

"As y'all know our beloved friend Daniel here—" He gestured at Daniel who entered at that moment, his eyes still small from sleep. "—is famous for his insightful and not at all boring lectures that will wake you all right up."

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