Part 7 - The Cafe

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Midoriya POV

Once i finish look around his room again. I look back at him.
"Hey Todor-" Hes fast asleep. I wonder how tired he actually was. I sit down next to him and put his blanket on him.
I cant help but think how cute he looks sleeping.. i snap out of my thoughts, i cant stay in here much longer without them getting suspicious about anything. I look over at Shouto again, and softly touch my lips.
I stand up and walk out of the room.

As i walk out i see some people looking at me..
"What is it?" I ask
"Oh nothing!" Uraraka says
.....i walk away.


"Okay Deku! Over here!!" Uraraka says
I see her waving her arms im the air as i walk over to the small group. (Uraraka, Lida, Kirishima, Kaminari)
" Now that we are all here, lets go!" Says Kirishima.


"Okay so what train are we catching?" I ask
"5-ab" replies Kaminari
"Oh there it is now!" says Uraraka
We wait for the train to stop, and we all get on.
Ill try and not sit next to Shouto
I look around but all the other seats are already taken by my friends.
I stand next to Shouto . Out of the corner of my eye i see all of them smiling at eachother. With Lida just looking at them..
..I stood next to him the whole ride. The bumps and the train moving made me fall onto his chest.
"AhhH um..SORRY.." i say, then immediately get off him, blushing.
I wanted to put my arm around him or hug him..the whole time.
We finally got off in a time of what felt like forever.
"Okay! There it is" yells Lida
We all start walking towards the small cafe.
We find a table and i find a seat next to Todoroki.
While we are talking with Lida I the see Uraraka and the boys on their phones...

Group Chat

Uraraka: Okay so operation 'get them to tell is that they are in love' is a go!

Kaminari: i think we should make the title shorter.. 😓

Kirishima: What about we call it operation 'Tododeku'?

Kaminari: The hell does that mean?

Uraraka: Oh! I get it, its like a ship name!!

Uraraka: Thats so cute! Greating thinking Kirishima

Kaminari: okay okay enough of that

Kaminari: whats the plan??

Uraraka: the plan??

Kirishima: welllll.......

Kaminari: OKAY

Kaminari: we dont have a plan?!

Kaminari: well then what do we do??

Uraraka: Well we were just thinking that we could get them in a calm state of mind.

Uraraka: and then they might forget, and tell us??

Kaminari: thats out plan?!!?

Kaminari: It doesn't make any sense??!!

Kirishima: WELL if Lida was on our side we would have a much better plan

Kirishima: but hes not! So deal with it..

WROTE THIS AS A JOKE | Thoughts | TodoDeku | Where stories live. Discover now