going to hell

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( your POV)
I was sitting in my bed waiting for my friend to arrive I heard a crash downstairs and wanted to investigate. As soon as I made it to the last step I was greeted by a guy with a gun to my head but since I was always ready for an attack no matter what. I quickly ran past him and grabbed a kitchen knife but not before he shot my right arm.I held back the pain and stabbed him directly in the head, but before he died he shot me in the head.Everything went dark I didn't know what was happening the next thing I know I'm greeted by a guy whose skin is pale as snow with Pink cheeks a white tux and a smile that could cure syphilis.He scared me a lot I didn't know how to handle it but before I can endure any more information about this guy's appearance he said "welcome to hell" and next thing I knew I was falling I screamed as much as I could. Though luckily I landed on a pile of bodies I freaked out at first from the site of it but soon calmed down since I joined the military before "this". So I was used to the sight of dead bodies I Walked pass many strange looking people some have horns some other had goat legs and another had many arms and eyes so many eyes. I walked past a salon establishment that had a mirror windows I looked myself I had pitch black wolf ears and a wolf tail I had  phantom black wings and I had a kind of long looking nails they don't  really look like nails they look like.... Blades? One of my eyes was black with a white slint in it as a pupil and my other was white with a black slint as a pupil my hair was like Mist but the color of it was odd my hair was phantom black and cool black with some white dots in it kind of look like night if you really looked at it as for my skin I actually looked pretty human if you minus my eyes and wolf ears and everything else but I guess this is now who I am I guess this really is "hell"

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