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I woke up an checked the clock on my bedside table it readed 7:07 AM I grumbled and got out of bed and changed it to my normal outfit(pick below you can change the color)

(y/n)I woke up an checked the clock on my bedside table it readed 7:07 AM I grumbled and got out of bed and changed it to my normal outfit(pick below you can change the color)

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And left my hotel room.I went downstairs to find no one awake so I decided to go and make breakfast it was (f/b).When I got done I heard taping and turned around to find the Alastor looking over my shoulder.I made the most unholy screech ever and I think I did it a little to loud because now everyone was in the kitchen.They asked me what was wrong and I said I just got scared is all and with that they started to eat angel even commented and said"Alastor Bebe these (f/b) are amazing pimp!"and Alastor replied "Angel my dear I did not make these (f/b),(y/n) did!". Everyone in the room looked at you and said in unison (expect Alastor)"YOU MADE THESE (Y/N)!" You didn't expect for them to act like that so you were caught off guard. You nod you head and they continue eating until Alastor ask you what your past was.You didn't know if you were able to tell them but they are decent people so you start.My mom and dad were love birds some say they were soulmates but when they had me that changes my mom died when I was 17.My dad was never the same he would scream and bring weird woman home and tried to sell me for some quick cash a year later I turned 18 and entered the military I loved the fact the I was serving my country when I got home I got news that my dad had passed due to overdose on Angel dust I was happy and sad at the same time and not a month after a guy broke into my house and I was at gun point I stabbed him in the head but then he shot me in my head Killing me and I ended up getting here.They all seemed sad after Wonder why.......

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