Season 1 - Flickering Lights

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"It'll only be an hour at most," I said to the boys and El, promising that, after we killed the Demogorgon, we'd be back to keep them safe. They sat on the bleachers still, all together in a row.

"I don't like this, (Y/n)," Dustin said, clenching his jaw.

"I know," I sighed, sitting next to him and bumping my shoulder to his. "But it's just something I gotta do."

Dustin grumbled something under his breath and I frowned.

"(Y/n)!" Nancy called from the door of the gym. "We have to go!"

"I'll be right there!" I called back, standing up. Dustin stood up beside me and hugged me.

"Be safe, please," he said. I ruffled his hair and hugged him back.


"Keep Nancy safe, okay?" Mike said to me once Dustin sat down. I smiled at him and winked at Lucas, turning to leave when I felt another pair of arms wrap around me.

I looked down, and saw El.

"Hey," I said softly, turning in her arms to hug her back.

"Safe, okay?" She said quietly.

"Safe," I agreed. She smiled up at me before letting me go. "Okay. Bye, guys! Love you!"

A chorus of "stay safe"'s and "don't die"'s rang after me as I made my way out to Jonathan's car. I got into the back, and he started driving.

The lights in the station were dimmed when we got there, but we knew someone would be inside. Jonathan went in first, quietly twisting the knob slowly and opening the door without it creaking. Then, one after another, we went in. While Nancy and Jon went straight to the back room, I stood by the front to make sure that no one saw us. Once they got the box of stuff, we were in the car again.

"We're doing it here?" I said when we got to Jon's house.

"Can you think of somewhere better?" Jonathan said, his tone challenging. I stayed quiet. Then, we got everything out of the car and into the house.

First, we began screwing all of the lightbulbs back onto the Christmas lights. I was told by Nancy that, when the Demogorgon was coming, they would flicker, like El had done with the lights.

Next, Jonathan started hammering nails into a baseball bat, Nancy loaded her gun, and I poured gasoline over the hallway. At the end of the trail of gasoline, we put down a bear trap and set it up carefully. Jonathan then attached a yo-yo which would move if anything set off the trap.

Once everything was set up, we looked at each other and nodded.

"Now what?" I asked. Nancy swallowed and stared at me.

"We draw it to us."
I was nervous, holding the knife so close to my hand. I was scared.

"Remember-" Jonathan started, about to go over the plan. We all stood in the living room together, ready to cut.

"Straight into Will's room," Nancy said. "And-"

"Don't step on the trap," I said. "Then-"

"Wait for the yo-yo yo move," finished Jonathan. My job in all of this was to light the trail of gas.

"And then..." I pulled out the lighter from my pocket and flicked it, watching the flame erupt.

"Alright," Jonathan said. I nodded my head and, with a swift movement, placed the lighter back into my pocket. "You ready?"

"Ready," Nancy and I said at the same time. We held our hand out in front of us and held the blade of the knife to the palm.

"On three," Jonathan said. My heart began to race. "One... Two... You guys don't have to do this-"

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