Season 2 - The Train Tracks

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"What the hell are we going to do?"

The cellar's cement wall was cold where my back pressed against it as I looked over to Dustin and Steve who were still examining the tunnel.

"We could see where this thing leads," Dustin suggested, earning a scoff from Steve.

"You really think any of us are small enough for that?" Steve straightened up and stretched his back out, presumably sore from being bent over for so long.

Dustin followed his lead, shaking his head. "What else can we do?"

"Literally anything but that," I said, earning a nod from Steve. It was a little insane to me, still, that we were partnering up with King Steve. I'd honestly thought that we wouldn't be talking again anytime soon after Halloween night.

"How'd you guys get it down here in the first place?" Steve asked, moving to sit across from me. Dustin sat a little bit from me, making it so that we were in a triangle.

"Bologna," Dustin told him.

"We got a few packages of bologna and led a trail from the house to down here," I elaborated at Steve's expression. "Maybe we could do the same thing to find it again."

"Him," Dustin corrected me. I looked at him with a grimace, wondering why he decided that this was the appropriate time to be a smart ass.

"That could work, but how do we know where it is?" Steve said, leaning back onto his elbows, glancing over at the hole. "I mean, that tunnel isn't exactly short."

"It's gotta be hungry, right?" I said. "It's gotten bigger like, twice in the last twenty-four hours. It probably would've gone somewhere that it can hunt."

"The forest," Dustin said suddenly, perking up. He stood up and rushed to the tunnel, pointing at it. "Look, it's pointing south - right where the forest is."

"Oh, yeah," I said, sitting up from the wall and looking at my brother. "Hey, what if we set up a trap somewhere? The old train tracks pretty much go straight through the forest, so if we put bologna on them, we could probably get Dart to go anywhere."

Dustin began to beam at me and I glanced over to Steve to see what he thought, only to find that he was just staring at me. He had a small smile on his lips and looked like I had just said something genius.

"What?" I asked him, my cheeks heating up a little.

"I think we might need something stronger than bologna."

I sighed, knowing he was right.

"Where would we even set a trap?" Steve asked. "We need an open space."

I thought for a moment before looking over to Dustin who met my gaze, his eyes lighting up at the same time as mine.

"The junkyard," we said at the same time, smiles on our faces.

"Where's that?" Steve said.

"Near the quarry," Dustin told him. "The train tracks stop near it, too."

I was about to say something else when my eye caught something beside Dustin who was still standing. I stood up and walked over to him before bending down and staring at a slimy substance on the side of the tunnel.

"What're you doing, Henderson?" Steve said, but I didn't answer. I reached my hand into the tunnel and touched the slime before pulling it out and examining my finger tips that were now covered in a red-ish substance.

I turned back to Steve and my brother, still looking at my finger. I saw them move up to me out of the corner of my eye, their gazes on it, too.

"What the hell is that?" Dustin said, leaning in close. It was familiar, the slime, but I couldn't place my finger on where I'd seen it.

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