Season 3 - The Mall Rats

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When we walked into Starcourt mall, it was crowded as usual. Conversation buzzed around the plaza and the latest hits boomed over the speakers.

I took charge in leading Dustin through the maze of shops and kiosks, glaring at Erica Sinclair when we passed her and her friends near the water fountain that sat in the middle of the floor.

"This place is huge," Dustin told me in amazement, getting distracted at every little detail. Starcourt had opened right before he left, so he had really only gotten to see the outside of the large building.

"And packed," I muttered, annoyed, before grabbing his hand and dragging him past a group of teenagers who stood in the middle of the mess, talking and blocking people's way. Since I worked at the Gap, I had access to the 'Employees Only' entrance that had hallways running behind all of the stores, meaning I rarely had to endure the main mall. Steve and I used it regularly to sneak Mike, Lucas, Will and Max into movies so that they didn't have to pay.

"Is that it?" Dustin pointed at the bright Scoops Ahoy sign as we got close, his eyes lighting up. I wiggled my eyebrows at him and inched toward the shop, feeling the familiar wall of cold air hit us as we entered.

The small store was full of people getting ice cream, and we came in just as Robin, Steve's coworker, was finishing serving two customers.

I made regular visits to Scoops and spent a lot of time in the back room on my break, so Robin and I had quickly become friends, much to Steve's annoyance.

I smiled at her as we walked in and she gave me a small smile back. Robin barely ever smiled genuinely, so it was always nice when she did. That genuine smile faded, however, when my brother walked up to the counter.

"Hi," Dustin said, looking up at her with a grin. I stood beside him and leaned against the ice cream cases, pursing my lips when Robin gave me a questioning look.

"Hi," she responded in the sarcastic voice she reserved for customers, leaning over onto the counter.

"I'm Dustin," he introduced. Robin narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm Robin," she said.

"Pleasure to meet you," Dustin said. Robin's eyes travelled to mine, looking slightly weirded out, but I just gave her a shrug. "Uh, is - is he here?"

"Is who here?"

Just as I was about to explain, the door to the back room swung open, and out came Steve in his sailor uniform.

"Henderson!" Steve said, raising his hands above his head. Dustin began giggling and I cracked a smile as Steve ran from out behind the counter. "Henderson! He's back!"

Steve was practically jumping for joy at this point and I couldn't escape the happy laugh that escaped my lips.

"He's back!" Steve cheered again. Robin looked between the two and then to me, and I simply smiled at her, enjoying the moment.

"I'm back!" Dustin said, beaming, "You got the job!"

"I got the job!" Steve said, gesturing to the sign over the counter before he imitated a trumpet.

The boys then did the handshake they made up, ending with Steve getting stabbed in his stomach by an imaginary lightsaber. When the two died down, Robin gave a dry laugh.

"How many children are you friends with?"

Steve's face dropped as he looked between Robin and Dustin, silently introducing the pair.

"No, no. No way."

Dustin was now taking full advantage of being friends with an employee by chowing down on a sundae as he filled Steve in on everything that had happened at camp, including Suzie.

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