Chapter 3

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A few birds rested on the open window as they sing their gentle song of chirps. From outside you can see the snow was beginning to melt away to make way for autumn. A light ray of sunlight passed throught, emitting the room Phoenix and Miles had been.

Phoenix's head was burried in Miles' chest as he hears Miles' gentle breaths. Phoenix had been awake for quite a while, but refused to get out of his comfy spot in the bed with Miles. Phoenix simply wanted to admire his lover for just a while. Phoenix simply stared at Miles wonderful and breathtaking features.

It's been like this since December. Many people would say that December to Febuary would be one of the coldest months, but on the contrary, these past few months have been the warmest Miles and Phoenix had been.

Miles' eyes began to slowly flutter open and was greeted with a gentle kiss on the cheek by Phoenix. "Good morning, Miles"

Miles return the gesture and gave Phoenix a gentle kiss on the forehead. "It certainly is, isn't it"

Phoenix placed his arms around Miles' head to brush his silver locks. It was a nice and silent  morning as the lovers cuddled and listened the morning serenade.

Phoenix couldn't recall how they started but he wishes that it never ends.

But that was months ago. Phoenix had learned that Miles had a much more different opinion about their relationship and Phoenix learned that the hard way.

6 months has passed by. . .

6 painful months. . .

6 months, ever since Prosecutor Edgeworth chose death.

The memories still haunt Phoenix till this day. The horrible memories when Miles left last September.

On the night of the incident, the two planned out a nice dinner date. But since Miles' didn't arrive on time, Phoenix began to get a little worried. This was the very first time Miles been late to a date. At first Phoenix thought that maybe he had some errands to do but his thoughts was dismissed as the clock ticked 11.

Something wasn't right. Phoenix tried to contact Miles through any form of communication.

He messeged him.

He tried to call for him through the phone.

He even tried to contact Detective Gumshoe, who didn't respond.

Phoenix was close to giving up. He switched on the television, hoping to find something that would cheer him up. Ironically, Phoenix found something no where close to comfort. On the television the headline flashed with red and white.

Chief Prosecutor Now Dead.

Phoenix kept on re-reading the headline. Phoenix was in denial, "no- t-this cou-ldn't be real". Phoenix quickly grab his phone, hoping that maybe, just maybe he replied to him.

The news reporter continued on with her report, "Investigators are now inspecting the building to find any other messege or note from the deceased chief prosecuter, Miles Edgeworth". Upon hearing this, Phoenix grabbed his jacket and dash outside.

Phoenix stopped his bike as he arrived to his destination where it was suprisingly quiet. The prosecutor's office was surrounded with detectives and forensic scientist who were investigating to find out what happened to the chief prosecutor. They were desperate not to lose another chief prosecutor.

The place we're surrounded with cars and the place only a few citizens checking to see what's wrong. To Phoenix's suprise there was a familiar scruffy face, Detective Gumshoe. The detective ran all the way to Phoenix and asked, "what are you doing here, pal?" Gumshoe didn't sound like himself. He sounded sad and as if all the joy in his life was drained away.

"Pal, if you came here to see what happened to Miles. . . I'm sorry, I can't let you in" The detective looked away while sratching his head, not giving Phoenix a chance to respond to the detective's previous question.

"That's alright. Can you at least tell me some of the details?" Phoenix was hoping to get all he can to figure out why Miles decided to end his own life.

"Well to be honest pal, we don't have much information. . ." The detective began searching his gigantic pockets. "The only thing we know, is that he left this note"

Detective gumshoe pulled out a photograph and in it was a picture of a tiny note. The note had a neat handwritting that was in red and it wrote 'Prosecutor Edgeworth choses death'.

And that was the end of it.

Phoenix was left heartbroken and with a million of questions. He wasn't even given the chance to say goodbye nor knew the reason behind his lovers disapperance.

Phoenix felt betrayed. He always thought that the two of them would always be together to help eachother when they needed it the most. If Phoenix was willing to ask help, why couldn't Miles? Was Miles to scared to ask Phoenix? Or did Miles think to highly of himself to the point he'd rather end his life than asking for help?

Was all the time they spent together meant nothing to him?

Can you imagine how painful it is to be left by someone you love without an explanation? Not only once but twice. It was bad enough Phoenix was hurt, Miles had practically placed salt on the injury.

Either way, Phoenix never wanted to think about him again. The media was right, Miles wasn't just a  so-called-coldbooded prosecutor, he WAS coldblooded. Not only as a prosecutor but as a being and it's entirety.

The date is currently March 21.

Right now Phoenix didn't have time to be bothered with his feeling for him. Especially because, Maya was indanger. Maya was held hostage for a ransom and if Phoenix doesn't prove his client innocent, he might never see her again.

Phoenix couldn't find anything to prove his client innocent and the witness kept on claming up, refusing to tell vital information.

And then it happened.

The one thing that Phoenix didn't want to see ever since his death. . .

"What are you doing here?"

In the Police Office stood the coldblooded prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth.

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