Northern View

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Today, Lauren was the one that contacted me. She texted me to wait in front of the school. I did as ordered and waited outside until she came. I was a bit thankful that she was dressed more casually today. A simple t-shirt and jeans with sneakers was enough for both her and me.

"Where we heading?" I asked her. When she approached me.

"The park." She said as we headed to the train station. We got on and rode uptown to the park. My parents visited uptown more often than not, so I know the area better. There happens to be an arcade there, as well as many different restaurants that are good.

We got on the train and rode in silence. It was a little awkward, especially since it took a bit longer to get uptown. I kept sneaking glances, but I was a bit afraid of catching her glance like Alli did yesterday.

After a bit, we got off and headed towards the park. Lauren was leading the way while I followed behind her. "Have you been up here?" She asked.

I explained to her that my parents took me to uptown a ton, but I never been to the park. She smiled as we walked down a path, leading farther down into it. Families were all around us, either having picnics or walking through like us. There was a small breeze that kept me cool.

"I've been to this park so many times. There's this one place we should head to later that looks great at sunset." Lauren said.

"Want to wait around then?" I asked. She nodded as we walked around for a little bit. We saw some people walking their dogs and they were adorable. One even jumped on Lauren, knocking her down. It was cute.

We managed to get one lap around the park, forcing us to be a bit tired before reaching the spot. We sat down on a bench and took a break. "We should head to the spot once we catch our breathes?" Lauren said as she leaned on me. I blushed a little when she did this.

After a few seconds, she knocked out and was sleeping. I didn't even notice for a few minutes, but eventually, she wouldn't move off of me. I didn't want to wake her up, especially since she look peaceful from where we were. The only awkward part was when people saw us as they passed by.

I won't deny the fact that I was curious to know what people were saying about us when they saw us, but I doubt they'd waste time on someone like me.

By the time she woke up, it was night time. The lampposts illuminated the area around us, allowing me to make sure nothing bad would sneak up on us. When she did wake up, she stretched before realizing the time. "SORRY!" She said shyly while turning to me. "I slept the whole day away! I'm so sorry!" She said.

"Don't worry about it. You seemed tired. What were you doing last night?" I asked, trying to get her to calm down at least a little.

"I was trying to plan today." She said shyly while looking away.

I let my emotions take control at this point and hugged her tight. I thought she was gonna cry, but I couldn't hear any sobbing at the time, and she even said that she felt like she was about to, but she managed to hold on.

I hugged her for a few minutes before an idea hit me. "I got an idea." I told her. She looked up to me before going along with it.

We headed towards the restaurants and saw a small vendor selling fireworks on the sidewalk. I quickly walked up to him and asked if we could buy one.

Needless to say, the man looked at me questionably. "You old enough?" He asked me. I shyly looked down at the sidewalk, knowing I wasn't. I was still shocked when he handed me a couple fireworks. "No doing anything dangerous, ok." He said.

I smiled at him before taking the fireworks and heading to Lauren. "Where's the best spot to view these from?" I asked her.

Lauren spent a few minutes thinking about it before taking the lead. I followed her for a bit, all the way until we reached the edge of the park. On the other side of the street was a few stores and a build-board advertising one of the chains around the area. "Around here should be visible." She said.

"How long will it take to get up there?" I asked her while setting up the fireworks.

"10 minutes if we run." She said. I smiled and asked how long of a fuse we can use. She got the proper length for us. While she was doing that, I managed to ask one of the smokers in the area to borrow his lighter and light the fuse. They were surprisingly kind and willing to help us.

We lit the fuse and ran to the spot she pointed out earlier. When we got there, the explosions just began. Circles of light filled the sky in front of us with the rest of the buildings below. We could see the outlines of the hills on the horizon as we watched. We stared in awe as the fireworks went off, taking in every moment.

After the small amount of fireworks went off, Lauren leaned on me. "I can't thank you enough for that. It was beautiful." She said. I blushed since it's rare for me to take initiative. I guess they've influenced me at this point, but it can't be that bad. But, I still feel a pit in my stomach.

I managed to push the feeling aside as we walked back to the train station. "I'm glad that we got to spend today together. I'm also glad that you kept coming to my practices to watch me." She said as I paid for my ticket.

"No worries. I'll make sure to come next time." I said. It did shock me that she wasn't buying a ticket, but then she explained that she lives in the area. We said our goodbyes and I rode the train home, holding my stomach with the growing pit in it. One more to go, and I can guess what Friday holds in store for me.

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