Chapter four: Another Murder in Haven

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That very same night a young couple were having a romantic getaway, camping in the woods. The teenage lovebirds were abruptly interrupted by a noise. The girl was spooked, being told she was paranoid but refusing to continue until the boy checked everything was alright. He left the tent surveying their surroundings. He saw nothing.
He went back inside as the two lovers continued their lustful encounter until a crack was heard outside again. The boy was asked again to check outside, this time leaving the tent and walking around the site for anything suspicious. It had been a few minutes and the girl was beginning to shake. She called out the boys name but got no reply.
The girl peaked out of the tent, seeing nothing but trees. No light, nobody, nothing. The forest dark, with fog rising. The girl heard another noise and rushed back inside, crawling under her sheets.
Faint footsteps could he heard, getting louder and louder. Something was coming, something big. The girl held her breath, hoping she wouldn't be detected. Maybe it was just a deer? No not a deer, not an animal at all. The footsteps had arrived at the zipper of the tent and stopped.
Complete silence.
The girl was going blue before breathing out loudly. Maybe it was gone,maybe she was safe. She didn't want to risk anything so she pulled out her phone and began to dial 911. She was beginning to panic, waiting for the police to pick up.
Someone picked up, it was a woman, her voice was enough to sprout a freakout. The girl was begging her to find them, giving directions as best as she could. The woman told her not to panic and that there would be a car with her shortly. The girl was instructed to stay in her tent.
The woman remained on the line, doing her best to comfort the young girl.
The girl heard footsteps again. This time faster and approaching her. She was tearing up. The footsteps stopped outside the zipper again. Complete silence once more.
The woman on the phone, told the girl "everything was gonna be alright"
The girls phone vibrated, her battery was almost dead. The woman told her to stay calm before being cut off.
The phone was dead now and the girl was all alone.
A rattle was heard outside. The girl looked at the zipper, tearing up.
The body of the boy crashed through the tent, mangled. The girl screamed before having a look at his killer. Before she could attempt to run she was impaled. Lifted up into the air, gasping for air. Blood everywhere.
Another murder in Haven.

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