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Day 3, 1994.

Captain Robert Stentley was sitting on his chair, smoking a cigarette. A drop of sweat rolled down his cheek. The fan was rotating, but slower than usual. There was a hollow like feeling in the room. It had a sort of a ghostly atmosphere. The lack of human contact would make anybody mad.
The entire precinct was empty. Everybody but him were out following his orders. It felt like time was moving fast. Much faster than usual. Captain Stentley was one of the best detectives in his city. A lot didn't skip by him. Knowing his capabilities, Robert could've done something. He knew it was staring him right in the eye. What he didn't know, was what to look for. He had been looking for a clue. Anything. He sat behind the table, looking at pictures of every piece of evidence, laying in front of him. He needed to make a breakthrough. This was the first case in a long time, that tingled his senses. No case had been so intense. There wasn't anything he could do.

The pressure put on him by his superiors was immense. Something the average Joe would be crushed under. This was a high profile case. Everybody was looking at him, waiting for answers. the media, the public, his superiors, all wanted to know who was responsible for this. Everybody was breathing down his neck. He knew that no civilian or reporters knew who had been assigned the case, but yet he felt like his actions were on display. The entire country had questions, but nobody had any answers. He picked up his hat and coat, and began to pack his briefcase to head home, when lieutenant Maguire came running through the doors.
"We might... we might have a lead." he said, panting.
Stentley's jaw dropped. He finally had something to get his hands on.

"What is it?" He asked.

"We have a witness. He called us on the phone. He Knows. He knows who did it."

A smile formed on stentley's face. Something he had lost ever since he first got this case a few days ago. He threw his briefcase on the floor, flung his hat and ran towards lieutenant Maguire.
" I'm not going home so soon. Let's get this son of a bitch!"
He ran towards his car, like he never had. The adrenaline in him was pumping like crazy. This was the first lead in the case, and could possibly be enough to shut it too.

They drove the car like they didn't care for their lives, sliding through traffic like there were no cars around, like they owned the only car in town.
"Where are we going?",The captain asked.

"44th and 5th. The witness lives there. His name is Adrian Schumacher. He's our only hope captain, if this doesn't pan out, we might have to ask him for help."


"You know who I'm talking about. I've never seen him work, but you have. You know he's the best at this. We might need him. I'm talking about Br-"

"Don't. Don't you dare. I'm refraining from asking him, only for his well being. I'm looking for his best interests. We're not involving him with this."

They stopped in front of Adrian's porch, and ran out of their car. They knocked on the door a few times, but nobody answered. They looked at each other suspiciously. Adrian was the most valuable person in America right now, and he had to be protected at all costs. They knocked down his door, and right in front of him, was Adrian's body, with a knife stabbed into his heart. Blood spewed all over, his eyes bulged out. The place was a mess. Looked like there had been a fight.

"Damn it! The killer got to him."

Captain Stentley sat of the couch, with his hand on his head. His face was filled with regret. He looked at his watch, and realized that he didn't have a choice anymore. He had a deadline. The people were looking at his every move, waiting for him to make a statement.

He returned home to sleepless nights of tossing and turning in his bed. All night, he'd sit by his empty bed, turn on a lamp, and review the case files. The anxiety in him was starting to grow, all the way to a point where there might have been no return for him. The life of a captain wasn't one to be eyed on. His life seemed sparkly to the outsider - A stable job, a highly respectable personality, a well paid salary. What happened behind the scenes wasn't known to anybody. Stentley lost his wife to the job. When one of the convicts he put in jail was released, Stentley didn't know it would be the last time he'd be seeing his wife. The man broke into Stentley's house at night, and attacked him. Stentley was able to fend for himself, but in the ruffle, his wife had been shot. The man had been arrested again, but Stentley's wife didn't make it. All Stentley wished for was to take her place. It had been a few months, but to Stentley, it felt like a day. He still thought of his wife everyday. He didn't let anything go. He kept everything she owned just as it was, along with all his memories. That's when he decided he needed to reach out for help. He couldn't take on this alone.

"That's it, I need help. I can't take on all this alone. HEY MAGUIRE! I need you to Take me to Hudson avenue. If we need to solve this, We need Bruce Williams on the case. We've got a
double homicide on our hands."

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