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They were all sitting in Bruce's house. Bruce looked like he had been doing well. There weren't any pictures of dead bodies, or yarn depicting a conspiracy theory. This was a good sign.

Captain Stentley and lieutenant Maguire sat across the table from Bruce Williams. Bruce examined both of them with his eyes, trying to figure something out. Captain Stentley started to doubt himself again. He wasn't sure if he should ask Bruce to join in on the case. Bruce was doing so well for himself, and Stentley didn't want to see him going down a spiral again. Maguire looked at Stentley, as if approving his decision. This gave Stentley some confidence in himself.

" Look Bruce, I know it's been a long time since we last spoke, but I need some hel-"

"Marilyn Roseanne?"

Maguire was shocked. His jaw dropped. It was a high profile case. No details had been disclosed to any civilian yet. Not even about  who was working on the case. The fact that Stentley wasn't shocked by this seemed even more jaw dropping.
Stentley just smiled, and said " I don't even want to know how you did this. I'm just glad you're still the man you were 10 years ago."
Stentley was smiling, but Maguire just couldn't take it in.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"It was pretty simple, really. I've worked with Stentley for a few years, so I knew how he is as a person. If you look at his shirt, he's accidentally misbuttoned it, but he's been here an hour and he hasn't tried to correct it. It means that he has something on his mind. Something so important, that he didn't notice his dressing malfunction. His eyes are baggy, which means that he hasn't slept a few nights. One might also think that it could be because he lost his wife a few months ago, but then he would've still kept the ring on his finger as a memoir of Julie, not in a safe at home.
He had been having sleepless nights because of a case. A case he isn't able to solve on his own, which is not normal to him. The fact that he has come to me after so long also shows that this is a time-sensitive case. He has to solve the case before the time ends. I've also been reading the newspaper, and the last few days have all been about Marilyn Roseanne's death, and the fact that she was murdered right here, in our city, means that they'd have to assign the police department of New York. I just pieced together what you already gave me." Bruce replied.

"Wow. You really are the best." Maguire replied.

"Well, that and the fact that you're carrying a case file named 'Roseanne' and 'confidential information ', you dolts."

Bruce grinned slyly, and then burst out laughing. Stentley knew that even though he might've pointed out the case file, Bruce had made those deductions all by himself, in less than an hour. Stentley was beaming with joy, while Maguire had kept the file on the table.

"This is everything we know about the case. To get you into the crime scene of where the murder happened, we'll need to speak with the D.A and get his approval to add you to our case as a consultant. Meanwhile, do what you can with this."

Bruce studied the file meticulously. He looked at every picture, every detail of the case, and gave every detail the same importance. He looked at the file from end to end in a few minutes, and returned it to the lieutenant.

"Your men have missed a lot on the scene. It's already almost clear to me.
The case says that the killer broke into the house through the window, but the hole in the window, and the shards of glass inside the room don't match. I'm assuming there might be shards of glass outside as well. The killer didn't need to break in. Marilyn Roseanne knew the killer, and he Broke the window from the inside to make it look like a break in. He stole a bunch of cheap jewelry, but he never took out the diamond necklace on Marilyn's neck and the gold rings on her fingers. No thief would make such an error. And that stab wound on her body, that isn't any regular knife. It's circular, like a popsicle. If it was just another robbery, he would've picked up a knife to kill her, which would be the most obvious choice. Yet, he doesn't. He made this weapon. I don't know what it is, but it's not something you'd just find lying around at somebody's house. This was staged to look like a robbery, but the sole motive was to kill her. There's not a lot to deduce from in these pictures. I'm going to have to get access to where the murder happened."

That's all they needed. This was a breakthrough all by itself. Everybody had been assuming that this was a case of a thief accidentally murdering her, and then running away with her valuables. What Bruce said had given this case an entirely new direction, and it took him a few minutes to get a look on what a group of 12 people had missed out. This was after he had been away from any police case for 10 years. That's how good he was at it.

"We're getting you on this case. I'll speak with the D.A immediately and get you to become a consulting detective. We're going to open up this case baby!"  Said Maguire, as he and Stentley jumped into his car to drive off to the D.A's office. The only thing that worried Stentley was the past. What if Bruce went back to his old self? Could Stentley be doing the wrong thing by involving him in the case? This was a big case, and a lot of pressure was involved. Only time would tell.

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