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Thanks for sticking by, the case would be soon solved. Thanks for reading so far, here's the next part.
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"Why do you think Chan was there in the school so late ?" Jungkook asked.
"May be he was working on the novel?" Chaeyoung replied.
Jungkook stopped.
"Novel, what kind of?"he asked.
Chaeyoung turned around.
" He was determined to win the detective novel award this year, he must have stayed here all night, may be at the club room", Chaeyoung reasonated.
" It must be the word professor he carries all the way right! " He asked. Chaeyoung nodded.
" It must be room, let's go and check" he ran. Chaeyoung followed huffing at his sudden action.
" What is it ? "He opened the processor.
"Look there's blood" Chaeyoung identified the blood strain on the keyboard.
"He must have been killed here, and then dragged to the pool"he concluded.
Chaeyoung scrolled down the documents last opened.
"What's ㅠ ㅈ ㄹㅓ ㄱ?" he read the last word written.
"I think when he was hit, he just typed anything, plus I think it's Korean alphabets, it must have been happen during the mishap" she said sounding logical, so Jungkook nodded.
They both went downstairs and checked the stairs in case they miss some stress.
"Did you find anything?" Chaeyoung shouted from downstairs.
" No"he shouted back.
" What are you kids doing ? It's so late now" someone spoke disturbing there search.
" Oh Ms. Yumi, it's just Jungkook and me are searching some traces regarding Chan's death" she replied.
" Isn't it unsafe, I mean already two students of your club got killed and one of your friend was suspected, you shouldn't stay late here" she spoke with concerns laced in her voice.
" Jungkook is here, if something happens, he would protect me " she said with confidence.
" That's good then, take care of yourself and be careful, any trouble report me" she said as she left the place.
Chaeyoung bowed bidding her farewell.
"Kook, I will check the club room again" she said.
He hummed in response.
Chaeyoung went back.
" I think there's must be some clue in the processor" she pulled a chair and started going through the texts.
"ㅠ ㅈ ㄹㅓ ㄱ" she repeated as she typed it again, but differently.
"Oh that's it"
She was rejoicing her mini achievement that she didn't felt the presence of another person behind her.
Her body was dragged out of the room.

Jungkook was watching down the stairs, looking for any blood strains or any possession that would help him. It was getting dark outside, he got up, stretching a bit, his back went stiff due to bending over in an awkward position for a long time.
"You are still here, your parents would be worried!" The voice startled him. He almost skipped a step.
" There you are , be careful" she said.
"Uh, thanks Ms. Yumi" he said.
"Well where's Chaeyoung?"she asked.
" She is taking the print out from Chan's typewriter, in case we miss a clue" he said.
" Ah!"
Jungkook got alerted at the scream, it was sure,that the panic in voice stated something isn't right. He and Ms. Yumi ran to the window and saw the students screaming at a body hanging from the tree.
"Chaeyoung, Chae, hey somebody call the ambulance, quick" he shouted as he ran down the stairs.
" The Black tree of Seven Mysteries" Ms. Yumi murmured as she went down followings him.


Chaeyoung was rushed to the operation theater as soon as she was brought, her head had a deep cut and it was bleeding a lot. Her parents were informed and they arrived, seeing their daughter in the death bed, that broke their heart, on the other side Jungkook, his white shirt was now red, as he carried her to the ambulance, he felt guilty about it, he felt like it was his fault, he shouldn't have let her go their all alone. She trusted him with her life and he didn't take the responsibility of it.
The doctor arrived.
"How's my daughter !" Her mother cried.
"We can't say anything, the cut  behind the brain is deep, she has lost a lot of blood and due to chocking the brain had gone hazy, her conditions is still critical, we are keeping her under our observation" we that he left and her mother falled down, her father was breaking too but he needs to stay strong.
Namjoon came running followed by furious Hoseok.
"See this is what you get for meddling in the investigation, it's not a child game" he hissed.
" Joon, we need to check the CCTV footage, in case we find anything suspicious" Hoseok spoke, sprinting away with Namjoon.
Jungkook leaned on the wall and his head felt heavy with guilt.
Ms. Yumi approached him.
"Don't blame yourself, right it's not important what has happened but how can someone do it to an innocent ", she said patting his back.
Her parents were inside, beside her.
"It's my fault that you got in and it's now my responsibility to catch the culprit" he huffed.
" Wait, Chaeyoung was innocent and was attacked when she went to extract the file from Chan's processor, it means there was something that can get the culprit in trouble" he ran to check the place.
" Jungkook just stay careful, I don't want anymore miseries" she murmured as she went down the stairs.
"Huh, Mr. Sunghoon, what are you doing here? " she exclaimed.
"You aren't the only one who has to worry about them" he spoke.

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