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"Hey stop pulling me around" Namjoon complained.
Hoseok was being more energetic than before, he just joined the folk dance with the locals.
Now Jungkook and Chaeyoung spotted a restaurant, he pulled Namjoon who was complaining all the way around.
"How much are you going to eat ?" Jungkook snickered at the girl who was busy tasting the mochis.
She gulped the piece in and spoke.
"Says the one who chucked in six cups of ramen in one go" she said and took another bite.
" I see you kids are enjoying well" Hoseok chimmed as he joined them.
" You must taste this one! " She ran to him and made him devour the soft sweet mochi. The ice-cream filling brust open his eyes out of delights.
"Hey, did you saw the knife-cut Noodles there?" Hoseok asked her.
She nodded her head.
"Let's go!" She pulled him.
"Namjoon, can you pay for this ? Thank you ! " Both left.
" When on the earth did I say yes? " He shouted.
" You brought us here now, pay for my plate too" Jungkook ran after those.
He sighed.
" How much is this ? " He asked the owner.
"Would you mind taking a taste sir ?" The owner asked him politely.
Namjoon was already been lured by the three of them. He was defeated.
As soon the snow white one got in his mouth, it melted down.
"Give me five more of those" he said happily.
"Have a good day sir! " The owner said as Namjoon left the stall happily trying to find his companion.


Chaeyoung, was in her beautiful cream white dress, little pearl earrings to add charms to her beauty. She was getting glances from the guys around. Well she moved from one shop to another, buying sovenior and little cute things.
While her friend, Jungkook was lost in his thoughts.
"The sender said that he's the headless Hunter, is it related to the curse 400 years ago? "
He was so involved in his thoughts, until he stumbled at a stall.
"Watch you steps, kid !" He got shouted at.
"I'm sorry, so Chae? " He looked around.
He saw her trying a hairclip. It was white flower with yellow highlights. She looked eye-catching.
Then his eyes travelled to the teens checking her.
He didn't waste anytime and walked to Chaeyoung and stood in front of them closing those boys' view.
They groaned and left.
"Kook, what do you think about this hot pink one, I want to buy this white but also the pink one! "she sulked.
" You can buy both, let me buy them for you" he took both of those and paid the lady.
"You are a good man, take care of your girl" she said.
"What are you saying,we are friends!" He spoke back.
He sighed out of relief that Chaeyoung wasn't there to hear it.
Wait! She wasn't there, where did she go ? He thought and looked around,he spotted a familiar figure at another store.
He faceplamed himself and went towards.
He pulled her out of there, but she wanted to drag him to another store.
"Hey "  She scolded him.
"Let's go,it's already late,we need to find others!" He said.
Chaeyoung kept complaining at him for acting like he's in charge.
They were holding hands and waking around, finding the detective team.
He may not find them but he did glared at some who were checking her.
He pulled out his jacket and tied it around her waist.
"What do you think you are doing Jeon" she scolded him again.
" Stop whining like a kid, I don't want you to catch cold,why do you have to wear dress ?" He complained as he was trying a knot around her waist.
" Do you even eat anything, how tiny is your waste, no one would believe you ate so much tonight " he said.
" Don't worry, I have taken judo classes" she said.
" Don't roam around, hold my hand tight, we must go to Namjoon soon" he said putting her hands on his and holding it tight.
Chaeyoung gave him a small smile.
It would be a lie to say, he wasn't blushing.

They were walking towards the spa, somehow they got confused due to the roads as they looked similar.
They were now at the middle of nowhere.
Huge tall trees around, cloudy sky.
"I think we are lost!". He concluded.
"I told you to go the other way !" She nagged.
They were arguing in the middle of the forest, but suddenly both went quite. They heard something, more like some leaves being stampled on. Both look around, but in the dark nothing was visible.
The forest was dark, long tress who looked scary, the cold ground went well with the cool air up, giving chills.
Harry Potter's Forbidden forest was much better than this one, the good thing was it wasn't real but the forest they are lost in is real.
Owl hooting, some bats screeching were heard.
"Let's walk out of here, I hate this darkness" she said.
As they walked further, the mist started forming around.
Nothing was visible, it was already dark now the mist made it more difficult, the view was going hazy.
"Can't understand, how such a thick mist formed so suddenly" Jungkook noted.
Suddenly he felt something coiling around his arm.
He freaked out and screamed.
He immediately pulled his hand and started flapping. His sudden rage made him trip over a stone and he felled down.
"Why are you shouting dumb" Chaeyoung shouted at him.
"Something was on my arm !!" He said.
"It was me idiot, I was trying to hold your arm, I didn't want to get lost walking behind you !" She spoke.
" Get up , you child , you must see your face!" She laughed at him.
He stood up and dusted off his pants.
He huffed.
"Says the one who wanted to hold my arm" he remarked.
"I was scared, unless like you I didn't freaked out " she said narrowing her eyes at him.
" Whatever!" He walked towards her.
Held her arm and interwind around her around her.
"Now it's a lock, and you won't get lost" he  said.
She smiled and nodded at him.
" Don't fear when, the great Jeon is here" he said boasting.
"We will see " she said scoffing.
" See what ?" He asked.
" How you dance like a mad man!" She chuckled.
He rolled his eyes.
" Don't be a big baby, let's get out of here!"
They walked further.
" Let's follow the North Star, I assume the market was in the north, atleast when we get out, we can give a call " she said.
He agreed and started following the star.
"Wait !" She stopped.
" what ?" He asked in an annoyed tone.
"Shall we mark the trees ?" She asked.
It was a nice idea, if they have to return back, atleast they can follow the traces.
Jungkook bend down, and searched for a rock, using the phone's flashlight.
Chaeyoung took it and marked a arrow.
"Let's go then !" She commanded.
"Yes your highness" he said jokingly.
Night was falling.
The mist got thicker. Chaeyoung turned around and saw just a smokey white background. She clutched to him tightly.
Jungkook got worried noticing her actions.
"Chae, what happened, are you tired ?" He asked.
" No, I'm scared, seems like being covered by the mist and can't go back anymore" she said in a low voice but clear enough for him to hear.
" Don't be timid, just keep walking, if we couldn't make it , then find a clear ground and we can halt till morning" he said assuring her.
She was a little convinced.
" Who says I'm timid, it was you screaming earlier! " She snorted.
" Can't believe, you are really something" he said as they both made jokes and finding a way out.
As they walked, they heard some jingling voice coming towards them.
They had fire lamps in their hands, like yeh one used in old days as torch. The fire made their face lighten up, scary masks, like they wear in the drama of ancient wars.
As they stood their they heard more footsteps, more like a matching troop.
"They must be the villagers, gaurding the forest" Chaeyoung noted.
" We can ask them for help, brilliant" he said.
As the footsteps continued, they saw a troop, wearing soldier like costumes.
They walked towards them.
They stepped aside for them to pass, and when they will ask someone from them for help.
"Hey can you help us, we are lost!" Jungkook asked.
But something pushed him, he lost grip off Chaeyoung.
They were pushed apart.
They didn't listened to them and walked like a hypnotised troop walking past over them.
"Kook, Kook !" He immediately stood up.
He saw her at the other side of the troop.
He waved his hand calling her to come to his side.
"Chae, come here" he said.
Chaeyoung looked at the troop, they were tall and armed, they were weird and marched like robots.
She wanted to cross through them but couldn't.
Jungkook saw her struggling coming to his side.
He decided to go her side.
He couldn't pass through them.
"Chae, hold on, I'm coming"
"Kook, Kook" she called him.
The calling stopped and when they walked away, she was gone.
"Kook" she shouted.
He saw her being abducted.
He ran after them.
But the cloud like most made her kidnapping successful.
"Oh no, what to do ?!"
He looked at the ground, found a red like object.
"It's a mask, it must have fallen, when she struggled"
Suddenly her last words rang in his head.
' I'm scared,seems being covered by mist and can't go back anymore'
"No, no, I can't let that, happen, think Jungkook think something" he mumbled.
" Ok, calm down, yes"
He took deep breathe and searched the place.
He walked around the area, finding any traces,the phone flashlight wasn't helping much.
He saw the light flashing somewhere in the woods, without wasting any time,he followed the very light of his life.
After stumbling and taking turns, he reached at a cave.
It was pitch dark inside.
He gulped.
"This is for Chaeyoung, even if she hits me and scold me, this is for her, she must be thankful for that" he mumbled.
As he walked in, he was invited by lights.
He saw some hope there.
He peaked in carefully, but saw no soul.
But little did he knew someone was right behind him. It was a scary red mask, screaming anger and pain, eyebrows drawn like flames in rage and dragons coming out of the nostrils, the mouth was opened like laughing a devil laugh, a scary one. Jungkook felt some heat behind him and turned back, he felt he will get a heart attack, but before he decides what he feels, he was hit unconscious to the ground.

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