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Cyrus's POV

My phone lights up as a text comes through.

JB: So Cy Guy, how's the first day of summer without us?

Slayer: It's not without us. He's just on the other side of town. We can go see him whenever we want.

Andi: YOU can. I have to take three busses to get there. 

Slayer: Andi, you could get your licence at any time. 

Andi: ...

Andi: I'm happy with my scooter. 

JB: You still have that thing? I thought your mom made you get rid of it. 

Andi: No. Cyrus just kept it in his garage for a VERY long time. 

Me: Hey, guys. You were asking about me?

JB: Cyrus!

JB: How's your dad's?

Me: Same as always. Comfortable temperature. Lots of cassettes from bands I've never heard of. 

Slayer: Nothing new?

Me: Well, I don't have a curfew. 

Me: Oh, there's also this boy my age who plays the piano in his backyard.

Andi: He cute?

Me: I've only seen him from my window, so I can't really tell. 

Me: Plus, I'm not even allowed to talk to him anyway. 

Andi: What? Why not?

Me: My dad says he's bad news.

Slayer: In what way?

Me: idk

JB: I've never heard of a piano-playing bad boy before. 

JB: Guess there's a first for everything. 

Andi: Except the things that don't happen. Then there's never a first.

JB: Good point. Like Walker actually liking me back.


JB: So you see why it will never happen.

Me: Jonah, if you like him, just ask him out.

Slayer: Stop waiting for him to make the first move.

Andi: Stop being a wimp, and just do it.

JB: I feel targeted.

JB: I'll ask Walker out when Cyrus asks out the piano player.

Me: Did you not pay attention to when I said I'm not allowed to see him?

JB: You're allowed to do anything if you don't get caught. I took a coarse on law. I would know.

Andi: Jonah, that's not how the law works. 

Slayer: Hey, my break's about to end, so I gtg. 

JB: See you! Make lots of sales.

Slayer: Jonah, I'm a kids' basketball coach at a summer camp.

JB: So no sales?

Slayer: Not unless I'm selling the kids. 

JB: Okay, yeah, don't make lots of sales. 

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