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After about four hour of driving I get really tired, so I decide to pull over and just take a small break from driving. I get out of my car and I walk around a bit, but I stay right around my car since I'm in the middle of nowhere.

Once I get some fresh air I get back in the car and I lock the doors. I grab a water that I brought and I gulp in down in like ten seconds. I can't even remember the last time I drank water. I feel like it's been ages.

I grab my phone and I start to look through all of my notifications. I have twenty four missed calls from Justin, and seven text messages. One of his friends called me three times too.

[Text messages: Justin]

Justin: Where are you?

Justin: Hello?

Justin: IVY! don't make me come look for your ass.

Justin: You are going to be in so much trouble when I find you.

Justin: You are so dead!

Justin: You better answer your phone!

Justin: I'll call the cops!

I delete all the messages because I don't even care anymore at this point. I go onto Instagram and I see that Edwin added to his story. He is one of the boys from PRETTYMUCH. It's a picture of himself with the heart filter and he looks so good. I smile at the picture and I immediately feel so much better.

As I keep going through Instagram I see a Twitter notification pop up from Zion. Another boy from the band.

It reads: I love all y'all BEANZ.

I smile ear to ear because it's like he knew I needed that right now. I'm in the worst place I could ever be and he tweets that right when I need it. This is why I need these boys in my life even if I don't know them.

[6 hours later]

After driving for six I realize that I'm in California. I'm close to LA, but not that close. Right now I'm in a small little town that isn't that big. It's really nice though and very secluded.

I park my car at the end of the street in front of a pretty big house. The house is blaring music and there are lots of lights on. They must be having a party later on or something. Or there is a party right now, but there isn't that many cars around.

Hopefully I don't get towed sitting here for the night. I need to get a job or something, so I can make some money. I can't live in my car forever.

I crawl in the backseat of my car and I grab the pillow and blanket I brought. I lay down on the pillow and I close my eyes. Hopefully I can get some rest.

And right when I say that I hear a big pound on my car window. I jump up and I see a man standing there. He looks really confused. I go up to the front seat and I roll the
window down, but not all the way down. Just enough for me to hear him.

"Hello," he says, "What are you doing here in your car?" I don't know why, but he looks so familiar.

"I'm trying to get some sleep," I say.

"Why in your car?" He asks. "Do you not have a place to stay?"

I shake my head no and he looks really sad for me. "I'll be back," he says, "Don't move."

The black man runs up to the house with the music blaring and he shuts the front door. I stay where I am and I just look out the window, waiting for him to come back.

After a few minutes he comes out with two other guys. They come up to my window and that's when I realize that it's Edwin and Nick.

What the actual fuck?

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