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"We talked to her all day," I say. "And nothing has changed. When is she going to wake up?"

"I can't answer that, Zion," the doctor says. "I know that she is alive, but she will wake up when she wants to."

I nod my head, "Thanks." He smiles and walks away. I sit back down in the chair next to Ivy. This is the same bullshit that they have been telling me for a week now. She will wake up when she wants. Blah blah blah. I get that, but I want her back.

"They found him!" Nick yells while rushing into the room.

"What?" I ask confused standing up.

"They found Justin," he says.

I run out of the room and I follow Nick. We get into the car and we drive to the police station. I run inside with Nick behind me and I see them bringing him in.

"Is this him?" The officer asks me."

"That's him," I say.

They take into a room in the back and they slam the door. They finally found him after a week of looking. I didn't think they would ever find him.

"We will call you later," the officer says. "You don't have to stay here."

I nod my head, "Thank you." We walk out of the station and we drive back to the hospital. We start to walk in the parking lot.

"When do you think she will wake up?" I ask.

He smiles lightly and pats my shoulder, "I think it'll be soon. She is right there. It's very soon."

I nod my head and Nick sits down in the waiting room chair. I go in the double doors and I walk to her room. The girls are in there with her right now.

"Hey, Zion," Ansley says. I smile and I shut the door. I sit down in my chair.

"Hi, guys. How are you?"

"We are okay," Maggie says. "But how are you handling everything?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm the same as always. Always freaking out that she's going to die and always hoping she will come back."

"She will be back soon," Izzy says.

"I hope so," I say. "It just feels like we've been here forever and I just feel so hopeless."

"Well we can't lose hope in her," Maggie says. "I believe she will wake up sooner than you think."

I smile lightly, "Thank you guys."

The door opens and I look over. I see my mom walk in with Elom. What the hell? Why are they here? I stand up super fast, "Mom?"

She holds out her arms, "Come here baby."

I run over to her and I wrap her in a huge hug. I rest my head on her shoulder and the tears start to flow out everywhere. I really needed my mom more than anything in these times. The girls pat my back and they walk out the door.

"You are here?" I ask while pulling away.

She smiles and wipes the tears from my face, "I'm here, hunny. And I brought some other people too. Elom go get them."

Elom walks out the door and then my mom goes over to the bed. She looks at Ivy and it looks like she is about to cry.

"Anything new?" She asks.

"No," I say. "It's the same old shit."

She nods and walks over to the chair. She sits down and moves a piece of hair out of Ivy's face. "She looks so peaceful laying here."

"I know," I say.

She smiles again and then the door opens. I look over and I see Elom walk in with Ivy's parents. She got in touch with them. Her mom walks more in the door and runs to the bed. She starts crying and her dad walks over to me.

"Hi, son," he gives me a really big hug.

"Hi," I say. "I'm sorry we couldn't contact you guys sooner. We tried everything we could."

He pats my back a few times and then lets me go, "It's okay. We understand that you couldn't. Thank you for trying though."

I smile, "Of course."

He looks over at the bed, "How is she?"

"Still sleeping," I say. "She still in a coma and they don't know when she will wake up."

"Did they catch him?"

I nod my head and my jaw clenches as I think about Justin. If I could I would kill that bastard.

"I wish she would have told us all those years ago that he was doing those things to her."

I sigh, "Me too, me too."


"We will be back tomorrow morning," my mom says. "The hotel is across the street." She gives me a hug, "I love you and stay strong."

"I love you too."

I give Ivy's parents a hug and they walk out of the hospital wit my mom. I go back to Ivy's room and I lay down on the bed with her. Usually I sleep in the chair, but I want to lay with her now. I scoot her small body over very lightly and I lay next to her. I wrap her in my arms and I rest my chin on the top of her head.

"Oh, mamas. I wish you would just come back to me already," I say very quietly. "I miss you like crazy. I never thought I could miss someone so much, but then there came you. I miss our talks, our laughs, our fights, our stupidity. I miss it all. I miss you."

I sigh and I run my fingers through her hair. I kiss the top of her head a few times. "I love you, mamas."

I close my eyes and I listen to all the machines around her. They beep all through the day and that's what I'm used to hearing all day long.

"I love you, bubby."

My eyes shoot open and I move back a bit. I look at Ivy and her eyes are halfway open and her machines start to beep a bit louder, but not that loud.

"Mamas, can you hear me?"

She smiles very weakly, "I can hear you. I've been able to hear you this whole time."

Tears fall down my face and she wipes them away. "I love you," she says.

"I love you more, ma."

She grabs my face and presses her lips to mine. We kiss for quite a bit since it's been so long since I've actually kissed her.

I pull away and I lay back down in the bed with her. I know I should call the doctor or her parents, but I'm selfish and I want her all to myself.

She cuddles up in my chest and says, "Thank you for being the one to save me, bubby."

                                  The end

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