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"Someone please call the police!" I yell.

Nick runs in the kitchen and he immediately gasps. The rest walk in while Nick walks out to the call the cops.

How could this happen to her? I'm so mad at myself. I shouldn't have left her home by herself. What the hell was I thinking? Now we are here.

She's not awake and is barley breathing. What if they don't make it in time? What if she fucking dies right here in my arms. This shit can't happen to me. I just can't let her die here in my arms.

After a few minutes of waiting the doors open up and two paramedics come over to me. He picks her body up and puts her on a stretcher. I follow them I get in the back of the ambulance. I'm coming with them and I don't care what they say.


Once we get to the hospital they rush her in and they take past a set of double doors. I try to follow them, but a lady stops me.

"You can't go in there right now. They are taking her in for surgery right now."

I nod my head and I sit down in the chairs. I run my fingers through my hair as the tears roll down my face. There is blood all over my hands and I smell really weird.

How did he find her? How did he know exactly where she was to do this?

I'm such an awful person.

I wish I could just die at this point.


The boys rush into the hospital and they run over to me. Nick and Brandon sit down next to me while the other two stand in front of me.

"What did they say?" Austin asks. I can tell that all four of them are really worried. Ivy was like a little sister to them.

"She's in surgery right now," I respond back.

"Have they gave you any updates?" Brandon asks while holding my shoulder with his hand. He gives it a small squeeze.

"No," I say.

"She's going to be fine," Edwin says.

I look up at him, "And what if she's not? What if she dies in there?" More tears fall down my face as I think about a life without her. It wouldn't ever be the same.

"She's a fighter," Nick says, "She has been fighting her whole damn life. She's not just going to give up like that."

"It's my fault," I whisper. I don't even know how they heard me say it.

"How?" Brandon asks.

"I shouldn't have left her home alone. She was terrified to be there by herself, but she said she would be fine and I believed that. I shouldn't have believed that and I should have made her come with me."

"Bro, it's not your fault. Don't think that for one second. You couldn't help it. She didn't know and neither did you," Nick says.

"She wouldn't want you to think like this," Austin says.

I nod my head and I look back down at the floor. How did I let this happen? I was supposed to protect her.

She trusted me and I wasn't there to save her. I wasn't there to pick up the broken pieces and help her. I should have been there. I should have saved her from that bastard, but I didn't. I'm never going to be able to forgive myself for that.

Shivers run down my whole body as I think about her trying to get away from him. She was probably screaming and crying. More tears roll down my face as I think about it all.

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