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I give them one last hug as the tears roll down my face, "I'll miss you guys."

"We will miss you too," my dad says and gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"We will see you soon," my mom says. "And we love you."

"I love you guys too."

I pull away from the hug and my mom gives Zion a very big hug. I smile and I hear her whisper to him, "Please take care of her."

"Always," Zion whispers back.

I smile and she lets go of him. Dad gives him a hug and they both say goodbye.

"Bye guys," I say. Zion wraps his arm around me and we both watch them walk off to their plane. I hate having so say goodbye to them. It's the worst feeling in the world.

"You ready?" He asks quietly.

"I guess," I say.


It's been about a week since my parents left and I miss them a lot. I'm not freaking out over them not being here, but I do feel upset and I miss them.

"Do you have to leave?" I complain as I lay on Zion's bed. He is putting his shoes on while I eat strawberries in bed.

"If you aren't comfortable staying here alone you can come with us," he says.

"I don't want to be a pain or bother you guys there," I say. "I just don't want you to go."

He smiles, "I know. It'll only be for a couple of hours though and I'll be back. Are you sure you will be okay?"

"I'll be fine, but that doesn't mean I'm not scared," I say. I hate staying home alone. I never do it because of Justin. Someone is always at the house with me, but the boys have an interview right now, so they are all leaving the house. I really don't want to be alone, but I don't have a choice.

He sighs and kisses my forehead, "I'll have my phone on the whole time. Just keep texting me. And if there is an emergency than call me please. I'll lock the door before we leave too."

"I will," I say. "I love you."

He presses his lips to mine for a few seconds and then pulls away with a smile on his face, "I love you more, ma. I'll be back in a bit and we can binge watch Riverdale or something. Whatever you want."

I smile, "I'll be waiting."

He walks out of the room and shuts the door quietly. I turn on the TV and I continue to eat strawberries. I really want to watch Riverdale without him, but I know he would kill me. I really need to stop watching shows with him because I'm always wanting to watch them, but he would rather just sleep.

I turn on the movie Monsters Inc and I just watch that for about an hour. I haven't seen that movie in so long and it reminds me of when my dad used to watch it with me.

I go downstairs to get more strawberries since I ate them all. Yes, I'm a fat ass and I eat all of the boys' food. I really need to get a job soon, so I can actually pay them back for everything.

As I'm rummaging through the fridge my phone rings and I jump back. Damn, I didn't think I would get that scared over something so small.

I grab my phone out of my butt pocket and I see it's a phone call from an unknown number. Hell no. There is no way in hell Im answering this shit. I hit decline and I see a text from Zion.

[Text messages: Bubby🥺❤️]

Bubby🥺❤️: Hey, ma. You doing okay?

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