question: Could you help me learn how to do rainwing frills? asked by: Claws_0f_The_Night
rainwing ruffs can be tricky to get right. i have to draw mine several times! really the best way to get better at drawing something specific is tracing. no, i don't mean to plagiarize! plagiarizing is "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own." don't do that. what i mean to do is trace. make sure you give credit to the original artist or photographer, and also make it clear that it isn't your original drawing.
the reason why i'm recommending tracing is because in third grade, i traced a horse (see my artbook) and it turned out really well. before that, i had no idea where the muscles were, or the how to size it correctly. but after i did that, i knew how to draw horses, and how their muscles worked, without even studying their anatomy!
basically, here's the short version: tracing can help you learn how to draw things way quicker than practicing can! but 👏 always 👏 make 👏 sure 👏 to 👏 credit 👏 the 👏 original 👏 artist!
if you draw digitally, tracing is easy. But if you draw traditionally, it can get a little more complicated. the way i did it was tape the four corners of the printed picture of the horse on my window. next, i took a clean piece of paper and taped it right on top! the sun shone through both papers, and i could trace a horse onto my paper.
where am i going with this, you ask? trace the Joy Ang bases! you can find them easily on google.
anyway, back to rainwing ruffs. i'll start with a profile view, since i find that the easiest:
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^first draw a rainwing using those base shapes from the last chapter
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