question: how do you find your style? asked by: anxious_earthy
hmmm,,, this is a tough question tbh. i don't even know if i've found my style, cuz i get sick of whatever i'm doing every few months and it changes drastically. so i think i'm just gonna list a few tips for finding your style:
1. first and foremost, it needs to be something you enjoy doing. for example, if you hate lineart (*cough* like me *cough*) then you can just paint or something. just make sure you have fun drawing in your own style. :)
2. second, reference art that has a style you admire. try and isolate the elements that draw you to it, and try practicing adding those elements to your own art. BUT. do. not. steal. people's. styles. referencing is ok, but not stealing- a good example of this is Realtense on da. their artstyle is so gorgeous, but unfortunately many artists started copying their art and now Realtense's style is one of the most widely used in the wof community.
3. third, don't be afraid to experiment! when finding your style, always draw TONS AND TONS until you feel content with your creations. you will not get any better at drawing by waiting. if you draw digitally, do a ton of single-layer sketches; this helped me a lot.
4. try mixing it up a little! don't get stuck in a rut of doing only one style for so long that you've forgotten how to do anything else. that's why from time to time i do lineart, even though it's the bane of my existence. try using other brushes, different effects, etc. just do whatever! try coming up with your own elements of style.
5. i feel like establishing a style is ongoing as long as you're creating art. this is a GOOD THING. because then you know that you're growing and improving!
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sorry this was short, but i hope it helped! - brie