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Bethany's pov

Charlotte knocked on my door saying " hon, its time for school you got to get up". I groan loudly as i get out of the bed, why do we have to have school this early in the morning, why can't they keep it like in the mid afternoon so i can fullfill my sleep. But as you know the world is not a wish granting factory, if it was i wouldn't be here right now.

I got up heading to the bathroom, i quickly took a shower, walking right into my closet, i changed into my dark blue jeans, black and white strips t-shirt and my long green cardigan along with my pink beanie . I started searching for my black convas shoes but couldn't find it, like when you really running out of time, that is when you wont find most of your things, its like god is like you running out on time my child, lets play hide and seek with your shoes. I searched everywhere under the bed, in my closet, my washroom( i know why would your shoes be in the washroom, but who nows life is filled with surprises). My room is a complete mess know.

" lee did you see my black convas" i yelled on the top of my voice.

" yeah, i found it in the kitchen sweety"

See i told you life is full of surprises.

I quickly headed down the stairs, i took the shoes from her hands placing a small peck on her cheeks.

" your a life saver lee" i said as i headed towards the couch to wear my shoes. I heard the honk of a car outside the door. Lee turned to look at me " is someone waiting for you" lee asked with a questioning look.

Then realisation hit me that jake said he would pick me up today.
" o o o shit, its jake omg, i goto go, bye lee"

I walked quickly outside my house to see mr jacob Anderson standing in all his glory against his jaguar. He wore black jeans , a simple white shirt, and a brown leather jacket not to forget his Rayban glasses pulling of the complete bad boy look. He dint notice me checking him out as he was busy texting on his phone, i walked closer to him and cleared my throat, he immediately looked up with his huge smile.

" hey, there sunshine"

" hey"

" wassup with all these names"

" you know one name cant describe you"

" whatever" i said rolling my eyes.

" why so grumpy?" he asked opening the car door.

" its 8:00 in the morning, don't you think it's to early to wake up"
He let out a light chuckle.

" your definitely not a morning person"

" if i would have to choose between billion dollars and my sleep, i would without hesitating a bit choose my sleep"

He moved right in front of me, our faces were just inches away, before me getting into any wrong idea he opened the dash board and placed a box in my lap, he had this minty cologne smell, which was having a happy dance with my nostrils. He slowly moved back to his seat, i missed the closeness. Omg whats gotten into me.

I let out my breath, i dint know i was holding.

" what's this.?"

" chocolate chip pancakes, aren't they your favorite?"

" how did you know?"

" are you stalking me?" i started panicking

" whats wrong with you jake, i thought you were a nice guy"

" but then you turned out to be a stalker"

" omg i am in a car with a stalker."

" how long have you been stalking me"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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