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Author's Notes

(Wattpad (Y/N)'s POV)

After we met with the twins and Miku at Spaceship Earth, we sprinted the rest of the way to the Disney Castle. We burst through the doors only to see Multiverse (Y/N), Multiverse Ruby and Monika walking towards Brodie, who was getting pulled up off the ground by Powerful (Y/N). Wait... Powerful (Y/N)?

Wattpad (Y/N): What the heck are you doing here?

Powerful (Y/N) turns to us. We walked over to the centre of the room.

Powerful (Y/N): How's it going man?

He took off his gloves and offered a handshake, which I gave him. I take a second look at his gloves.

Wattpad (Y/N): How did you get those back?

Powerful (Y/N): Brodie got them for me, before getting me here.

I look over at Brodie in confusion, who looks a bit happier now. He got him here? How?

Multiverse (Y/N): Brodie managed to steal the powers of Salem.

Gwen: He did what?

Monika: Brodie has the power to travel the entire Multiverse.

Multiverse Ruby: Including this one.

Wattpad Ruby: Jeez.

Twin (Y/N): Seems like you've made a major turning point in your character arc.

Brodie nervously chuckled.

Brodie: We still got one problem.

Twin Ruby: What is it?

Multiverse (Y/N): His mother and sister are still alive. Thanks to Salem.

Multiverse (Y/N) points to the corner of the room, where two people sized Grimm are... cowering?

Miku: Are they scared?

Powerful (Y/N): Yeah, and I don't blame them. Would you want to be standing next to me while holding these gloves after I just killed your supposed-to-be immortal leader.

Monika: No.

Powerful (Y/N): Exactly.

Wattpad (Y/N): Did Salem dunk them into the lake?

Multiverse Ruby: Yeah...

Wattpad (Y/N): Jeez...

Multiverse (Y/N): Just a bit fucked up, I know. But I have an idea that might work.

Brodie: You do?

Brodie brightens up a whole lot at Multiverse (Y/N)'s statement.

Multiverse (Y/N): Hey, (Y/N)?

Twin (Y/N), Powerful (Y/N) and Wattpad (Y/N): Which one?

Multiverse (Y/N): The one that can take things out of his phone.

Wattpad (Y/N): What ya need?

Multiverse (Y/N): Can you get two golden apples and a weakness potion?

Weird request, but OK... I see what he's doing.

Wattpad (Y/N): I'm picking up what you're putting down, and I like it.

I pull a weakness potion out of my phone and hand it to Multiverse (Y/N) before grabbing the two golden apples.

Wattpad (Y/N): I thought these things were supposed to be heavy.

Multiverse (Y/N): In the game, you can hold up to two thousand, five hundred and sixty of these and you expected them to be heavy?

Miku: What are you guys going on about?

Salem's Earth (Part 2 of RWBY X MReader and Multiverse Protection Force Origins)Where stories live. Discover now