Black Friday

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Ethan wakes up with their phone buzzing on the table next to their bed. They rub their eyes before grabbing their phone seeing that Lex is facetiming them. They answer with a small smile.

"'Hey babe,'" Lex smiles back. "'Did you just wake up?'"

Ethan nods, yawning and running their hand through their hair 'yeah. But it's okay though.'

Lex nods and says teasingly "'you look really cute with your hair like that.'" Ethan blushes and flips her off, trying to fix their hair. Lex laughs "'sorry love.'"

Ethan's still bright red as they ask 'so what's up?'

Lex stops laughing as she explains "'I need to leave early this morning for work to prepare for that new doll and I don't want to wake up Hannah. Are you by any chance able to pick her up from the trailer?'"

Ethan nods 'yeah. I'll head over there soon.'

"'Thanks babe!'" Lex says with a smile before she looks behind her. She turns back to the screen and sighs, "'I gotta go. Love you.'"

Ethan does the sign for 'I love you' before hanging up and getting out of bed. They head to the bathroom, only wearing sweatpants, and comes across Peter leaving the bathroom. "'Hey Pe'er,'" Ethan slurs.

"'Hey bubba,'" Peter replies with a smile. He lets his sibling pass as Ethan heads inside the bathroom, trying to fix their hair. "'You going somewhere?'" Peter asks through the mirror.

'I'm picking Hannah,' Ethan signs. 'Are mom and dad here?' They finally get their hair the way they want it to be and starts brushing their teeth, looking at Peter through the mirror.

"'I think mom went to the mall with Aunt Charlotte,'" Peter answers. "'Dad is still here. Uncle Bill is coming over with Alice.'"

Ethan nods and finishes brushing their teeth, heading back to their room with Peter following. Ethan grabs a pair of jeans, a shirt, their leather jacket, one glove, and their boots before shooing Peter out of their room. Peter laughs and heads to his own room as Ethan changes.

Ethan leaves their room once they're ready for the day, hearing aids with them for once. They head to Peter's room and walks in once they see his door is open. Peter looks up and waves "'You heading out?'"

Ethan nods and signs 'I'll be back later tonight. Gonna try to sell the doll.'

Peter sighs and shuts his door signing 'I really don't want you to leave. Lex and Hannah are more than welcome to stay here, you know that.'

'I know,' Ethan responds. 'But I promised them California. They deserve to get out of this town.'

Peter sighs again and nods before hugging Ethan. 'Be safe out there,' he signs. 'It is Black Friday after all.'

Ethan smiles and nods, mumbling "'I know.'" They turn to leave Peter's room before Peter grabs their shoulder. They look back at him and sign 'yeah?'

Peter quickly grabs a hat from his desk and says '"take it.'"

'A hat?' Ethan questions.

"'So you know to stay safe. Dad gave it to me when I came out to keep me safe from getting beat up. I don't want you getting hurt on Black Friday,'" Peter explains.

Ethan smiles and takes the hat 'thanks Peter.'

"'You're welcome E,'" Peter smiles back. "'Now go get Hannah.'"

Ethan nods and leaves their brothers room. They head downstairs and waves to their dad–who is in the living room working–signing that they are going out to pick up Hannah and see Lex. Mason nods and signs 'be safe out there.'

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