The forest

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When ember jumped into the lushes forest she didn't hear anything except her own paw steeps I started to jog a little though the ling grass until i reached the dark fresh forest. I heard the river right before my paws and i looked down and saw the small and steady river slowly traveling down to the creek that was also next to the forest.
And i took a powerful leap over the calm river and looked up and saw a twisted tree and i jumped up and got up about mid way up in the tree before . I stopped and looked out back at my house and looked back and saw my towleg place and saw the lights flickered out . And i looked back out at the fresh forest and saw a hole bunch of leaves and bushes and then i saw a red tail and i opened my mouth to smell better just to make sure it was a fox and it was .A fox but then i heard a sound coming from behind a bush i saw it move. Back and fourth i jumped whith surprised ness s and jumped from the tree to the long lushes grass on the other side of the river. and i ran for my life and ran until i decided to turnaround and face my enemy. To my surprise i saw a gray cat cone flying towards me it was only little just like me and the gray cat tried to jump ob me but i dodged it and i turned to go see the gray cat behind me but i couldn't see it and i heard paw steps towards me. i turned around to see a fire like coat of fur and bright yellow eyes. I gave the orange cat a tail flick to give him a warning to back off but he didn't get the message. he tried to jump to attack just like the gray cat but i dodged his hit. The orang cat took out his claws and hissed at me and i hissed back and slowly creeped fowerd as the orang cat backed away.
I cased the orang cat around the claws but jot really fast but by the time i stopped i heard the orang cat starting to pant and pant trying to catch his breath.
Then i saw the gray cat creep behind the orang cat and start to chase me and i turned
Around and he looked at me and his ear twitching as a sign to get out of here but i didn't i stayed and watch a white cat whith blue glowing eyes emerge from the bushes.
Her eyes where almost as blue as mine just mine where electric blue. And a cat that. Looked like a tiger followed her the white cat started to talk and said "why are you on thunder clan hunting grounds?" the white she cat had a glare of demand in her eyes. I looked at her puzzled and asked "what are you talking about i just came from my twoleg place!" the she cat and the tiger tabby tom gasped and backed up from me. And the she cat asked "So you came from a twoleg place and i guise you don't even know what thunder clan is? do you?".I looked at the she cat and shook my head in confusion and she replied "well well i guise that we will take you in.But only for training for a apprentice then after that you will leave and go back to your twoleg home deal?" i looked at the she cat in confusion again and replied "yes but may i sleep on it?" the she cat shook her head in a agreement and the tom started to talk "also meet me back here at dawn and i will take you to camp. deal?" i shook my head as in a agreement and i ran off to my towleg home and went into my bed and fell asleep. Remembering that this will be my last time in my twoleg house whith my owner and in the morning i will have to tell smug...

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