Meeting Thunder Clan

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I woke up early just like the the tom said to. and i quickly ran outside to go see smug and thankfully he was there and i ran to him and jumped up onto the fence well we watch the sun rise in the distice. i looked at smug and tolled him "hi smug i have bad and good news and yes last night i went into the forest and i found thunder clan and today is the last day i get to see you before i leave to become a apprentice." smug looked at me whit shock and i could see his eyes. and i said goodbye and jumped off the fence.Into the lushes forest and i ran to the spot where the tiger striped tom said to meet in the morning. i got there and no one was there and then i looked up and saw the the tiger tom and the the ORANGE CAT to in the tree thay jumped down and the tiger tom said "try to keep up if you can!" and then he bolted off i followed and i was in between the two cats the tiger tom and the orange tom it was a tight fit but i got it. thene as i looked down i saw a river that was on a fast stream and it looked ice cold i shivered just looking at it and i took a big leap and whith no problem i got over. a couple seconds later the tiger tom turned his head and yelled to me "don't worry we are almost there just hang in there!" and before you know it we where there and i was in the entrance of thunder clan and my nose and brain rushed whit excitement and all new smells of all new cats! And i stopped and just remembered the thought of leaving smug and how he is right now and did i say the correct words. As we walked into the camp i saw cats all around working and the smell of mouses and fish to! and then i see the white she cat whit dark blue eyes and she gives me the signal to come on a rock that she was standing on. so i jumped up onto the rock and it felt smooth and warm but not to warm because it was going to be snowfall soon! so i jumped onto the rock and the white she cat yelled "Clan meeting clan meeting!" all the cats gathered to the rock. All cats hade there eyes on me and some gave me a dirty look and i backed up and almost off the rock. As i backed up i felt one of my paws go off so i didn't walk back any farther and i stood there and the she cat was mumbling to the clan but i didn't pay attention till i heard her call up my name i slowly walked up and i heard her say "This will be Ginger paw she is the new Thunder clan cat Ginger paw Fire paw show Ginger paw around would you?" fire paw smiled and nodded and i walked down from the high rock it was high but then fire paw showed me around but i never spoke a word i dont like to talk to other cats
And not toms either after i was done i went over to the apprentices den and i fell asleep i woke up and tigerclaw was outside the den waiting foe me i walked out the den and i stood next to him and didn't meow a word. Untill firepaw and graypaw got out of the den and i stood there until tigerclaw stood from his siting position and circled me and rubbing up against me and i didn't move or look him in the eye until he was staring right into my eyes and tigerclaw licked my cheek and i looked him in the eyes then he heard something it was graypaw and firepaw walking out of the camp i walked right in the middle of firepaw and graypaw i was nervous then i looked over to firepaw he was looking at me. He smiled and i looked away I dint wanna make any tom friends but then firepaw nudged me playfully and i looked over at him and smiled and i rubbed my head against his head Then we arived at the hunting place and tigerclaw told us to catch as much pry as we could since it was going to be leaf bear so i ran off into the trees not knowing where i was going but i hunted and cane back to tigerclaw he looked at me surprised and looked at my fresh kill i looked over to it and it was a big pile it would be abel to feed the clan for two days whit extra pry to be eaten tigerclaw sent me back to camp and once i walked through the camp entrance all the cats looked at me whit happy faces and i looked over to the fresh kill pile and there was barely any there i dropped my fresh kill there and there was a lot then bluestar walked out of her den and walked over to me whit a surprised look and she said " Gingerpaw how how did you get all this pry!?!" i looked at her and smiled and i pranced over to spotted leafs den and i looked at her and she said "hi you must be gingerpaw nice to meet you." i smiled at her and i said back "o hi do you need any help?" she looked at me and looked back at all these herbs and i organized thum as spotted leaf left to go get some fresh kill and she came back and her eyes lit up because she saw that i put all the herbs in a alphabetical catagorie and i walked out and she was still standing there and i went over to the camp entrance to find tigerclaw and graypaw standing there wail firepaw was nowhere to be see. I look over my shoulder to see that firepaw was behind me i jumped

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