Four trees

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Firepaw sacred me so much i walk away mad. I ran to the field and laid in the long grass along the river well the sun was setting and it was glowing on my ginger pelt. I walked back to camp and just as i entered bluestar jumped in front of me and i looked at her with a confused look and she said "gingerpaw,i wanted ti know if you wanted to go to the four trees with firepaw,graypaw,tigerclaw and me?" i felt a twist in my stomach and i nodded my head and replied "yes bluestar it would be a honer." and i diped my head respectfully and walked to the apprentices den without getting any fresh kill from earlier today. As i was laying down firepaw walked in and i pretended i was sleeping but he said "gingerpaw i know you aren't sleeping and i wanted to apologize for scaring you." i was really mad at firepaw at this moment. But i lifted my head and replied "its ok." i said it really quietly because there where cat sleeping in the den but i knew firepaw could hear me and i drifted off to sleep. I woke up to graypaw nudging me i was surprised he even cared about me but i got up and walked out the apprentices den and put one paw out and the ground was freezing cold. Graypaw turned around and smiled and said "that was friepaws first reaction too.". I laughed to my self but keep walking and i saw spottedleaf walk out of her den and she looked very sad. I ran over to her in worry i looked at her and asked "wh whats wrong spottedleaf?" she looked at me and she said "blizzerdpelt sh,she is kitting!" i looked at spottedleaf in surprise and she looked back with a sad expression on her face and she said "bu,but sparrowkit he he's not doing so good he is on the edge of beaning dead!" i had a mortified expression on my face at this point well i burst into the den and ran for herbs. I will never let any cat die for a second i stopped and pried to starclan for this kit to live i tryed all the right herbs for this sickness but i never knew any of this stuff i just did what it felt like i should do. After i was done i gave the kit a lick on the forehead and pried to starclan one more time and put the kit to sleep and walked out of the den. And i walked to blizzerdpelt and jaggedclaw and i sat next to blizzerdpelt well she sobbed. I calmed her down and said "don't worry sparrowkit should be fine,but now its up to starclan to save him now." and i looked down to see another kit sleeping next to blizzerdpelt i looked back up to blizzerdpelt and smiled and said "who is this little kit?" she lifted her head and said "dovekit she is beautiful isn't she?" I smiled thinking of how the name dovekit is perfect for her. And how sparrowkit it is perfect for him to. I walked out of the den to see all cats at the high rock i ran and heard bluestar saying "all cats that will be joining me and tigerclaw to the four trees please walk to the camp entrance." i saw firepaw,graypaw,tigerclaw and also a white tom i think it was whitestorm but i followed the group. We where just about to walk into the entrance of the four trees before i got a knot in my stomach. I looked up and saw all cats eyes where on me but most where toms. I ran up to firepaw and he nudged me playfully i nudged him back and we all walked over to the apprentices and listened to one tom from riverclan telling a story of how showdowclan sent a hunting party on their territory. I looked over to see a light ginger tom next to me he smelled like he was from riverclan. And i looked to my right to see firepaw and graypaw siting there talking to each other. Then i saw graypaw pointing at me and thay where laughing. At first i thought thay where laughing at me until i looked where graypaw was pointing and it was to a big puffball white cat i started to laugh. It was funny the way the cat waddled back and fourth. But after the meeting at the high rock we headed back to the camp. But as we where running i remembered sparrowkit and how he was sick. After that thought i powered through the forest to camp and once i arrived i ran to spottedleafs den and saw that sparrow kit was not there i ran into the nursery and saw blizzerdpelt and her two kits sleeping but blizzerdpelt looked at me and i asked "how is sparrowkit?" She looked at me amazed and she replied "he is amazing my kits are the healthiest thay could be!" I smiled and walked out of the nursery and walked into the apprentices den and fell asleep in my warm moss bed. I cant wait for tomorow!

O MY STARCLAN THANKS FOR 72 reads. Tell your friends about my book plz and also since you dont know what sparrowkit and dovekit look like i will describe thumb for you
Sparrowkit a light brown tom with a light gray muzzle and green eyes

Dovekit a white kit with a gray muzzle with bright blue eyes!
Ok so thay look like that and ill wright a chapter once every day if I'm not busy if i am it will be short but anyways thanks for 72 reads keep reading and tell ur friends!!

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