Chapter 10-The End

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          Beep. Beep. Beep. The machine had reached a steady pace with the girl’s heart. She was lying in her hospitable bed. She had been laying there for three and a half years, since she was 15 years old. Her hair was long, down to her waist like always, and a dark red by nature. Her skin was a creamy white, and she hadn’t been outside in a very long time. Over the years she had woken up a few times, but to her it was just a dream, because her reality was locked inside her head.

          The girl’s eyes flickered open, revealing their dark blue coloring. She blinked, softly inhaling, and slid herself into a sitting position. There was movement ion the corner of the room. A man in a wheelchair, with dark hair that was graying rolled forward.

          “Molly?” He paused and turned to look outside of the room. “Jason, Danny, she’s awake!” He loudly enunciated. Molly cocked her head in confusion.

          Two boys ran into her room. One she faintly recognized from a long time before, and from her dreams-Jason, her brother. The other had ash black hair, and looked familiar, but not from anywhere she could remember. Jason turned to the boy with the black hair.

          “Go get a nurse, tell them my sister woke up.” The boy nodded.

          “D-dad? Jason?” Molly croaked. They nodded, Chris wheeled forwards, placing his left hand over hers. Jason doing the same with her right.

          “It’s okay Molly. Danny went to get a nurse. It’s okay honey.” Chris spoke, in a voice that a father uses only with his daughter.

          “I’m awake?” her voice was filled with pure surprise.

          “Yes Mollz, this isn’t a dream. It’s been three and a half years….since you were stabbed by some psychotic girl at your school. You passed out and hit your head, and the head trauma was too much compared to all the damage from before, so you slipped into a coma. They never thought you would wake up.” Jason smiled at her. It was a smile she remembered from when they were children.

          “So that part was true? But the rest isn’t? No necromancer’s amulet or curses? No kidnappings? No Danny…” Her voice grew quieter as she went on, and only Jason picked up on the last part.

          “I write, Mollz. I was writing a horror novel, and Danny used to read it to you…I guess wee created your dreams. I’m so glad you’re back Molly. We’ve missed you. We’ve been worried. Dad was so scared; he ended moving into the room next door. Soon we’ll take you home. We’ll be happy. Everything will be okay. We will be a family. I promise Mollz, you’re gonna get the life you deserve.” Jason’s words caused Molly to feel comfortable. She relaxed her posture. The nurse came in.

          Molly stayed in the hospitable for the next three days before finally going home. She finished her schooling with private tutors and helped her brother Jason to finish his novel, which became theirs instead of just his. Danny was around a lot, and soon he and Molly started dating. They were married and moved into an old Victorian in Branford, CT. They spent the rest of their lives there with their three children, two daughters, and Danny’s son from his previous relationship.

          The doctors still never figured out why Molly awoke from her coma that day. They don’t understand why she had such vivid dreams. They probably never will.

          Chris Thames died at the age of 74, leaving everything to his children who split it evenly. Jason became rich and famous as a writer, and based his main character in a series of short stories off his little sister Molly. Molly died young, at the age of 48. They say it was because of the entire trauma in her life, but really the family knew it was suicide. She had never forgotten what happened, and after years of hiding from everyone, except for Danny and her youngest daughter, she finally did away with herself. The family wasn’t hurt by this, they were happy she finally found peace.

          The youngest daughter was always Molly’s favorite. She was the one Molly told everything to, and that little girl wrote all of it down. Her name was Ellen Melinda Parker, and she got the idea in her head to publish the story of her mother. So she did.

          With Love,


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