That's Not How Cloning Work's

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That's Not How Cloning Work's


“So, who is Dani actually?”

“What?” Danny spins into a direct and questioning look from Sam, heart leaping into his throat at the surety in her voice. She hasn’t waited even two minutes after Dani’s departure before asking (if Danny squints, he thinks he can still see her flying away in the distance), so that tells him two things: one, whatever he tells her, she’s willing to keep it between them if he needs to, and two, she’s absolutely sure she’s right, and no amount of beating around the bush will take her off the scent of this one. Whatever secret it is that she’s set her sights on, she must have determined that it’s something he needs to talk to someone about. And, well, if he’s being honest, he probably should confide in someone about this one.

Sam folds her arms and shifts her weight with confidence, “C’mon Danny, spill. I know she’s not your cousin.”

“And how would you know that?” he decides to dodge anyway.

She gives him an empathetic half-smirk, “Well for one thing, the likelihood of another portal opening up to create another half-ghost, who just happens to be related to you and looks exactly like you is about a bazillion times too ridiculous to actually happen. Also, I asked Jazz if you guys have any cousins. Guess what her answer was.”

Danny shrugs, “Well, damn. Guess the jig is up.”

“To be fair, it wasn’t a very good jig in the first place,” Sam softly chuckles. She bumps against his shoulder, “So, mind telling me the real deal?”

He nods, but he can feel himself tensing up, and he can tell that she can tell he’s tensing up. With a gentle hand on his arm, she steers them into the house and onto the stairs, seeking out the privacy of his room. Once he’s sitting on his own bed with the door closed, he can feel a bit of a weight off his shoulders. Sam knows him well. She’ll know how this kind of thing might impact him, and she’ll know what to do. He can talk to her.

After checking to make sure both the window and the door are locked, Sam takes a seat in the desk chair across from him, “Okay, gimme the bad stuff. Who’ve we gotta punch?”

“Pfft,” he half-heartedly breathes, “It’s just Vlad again. No one we don’t already need to punch.”

“Disappointing,” she nods, “but not unexpected. To what do we owe him the pleasure?”

A long and tired sigh slips out as Danny rubs at the back of his neck, “Vlad…is trying to clone me.”

Sam blinks. Danny decides to forge ahead.

“Apparently he’s been doing it for a while, as sort of a back-up plan for when I refused to join him. It’s not a plan that’s worked up until now because…well, because the clones kept coming out not fully formed. Most of them were so unstable that they just kind of…melted, after coming out of the lab. Some of them…God, Sam, I couldn’t even describe some of them to you, they were so hard to look at.I shut the place down as best I could but Dani - I couldn’t. I can’t. She’s her own person. She’s the most stable of Vlad’s clones, and the only one that can think for herself, and she deserves to live a real life. So, I called her my cousin just so she could….I dunno, feel some of that? God, I don’t know. It’s just all a lot. It’s crazy and overwhelming and unimaginable, and I don’t have the time to deal with a lot of it right now, so I let Dani go. I’m just - I don’t know, it’s a lot.”

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