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Danielle Fenton had first realized she was ‘different’ when she was 11. At first, she had thought it was just her ‘tomboy’ nature, but she figured out it ran much deeper than that. Her parents and sister loved to dress her up, tie her hair in bows instead of it’s usual ponytail, add blush to her round cheeks, and she absolutely despised it. Whenever she was over at her friend Sam’s house, the two would hide the clothes they’d bought at the mall (with Sam’s parents’ credit card) and try them on. It was a regular activity for them, since they both hated how their families dressed them up. Sam didn’t really mind the fact the clothes her parents bought were feminine, she just hated that they were so bright, flowery, and pink. It didn’t fit her personality at all. Danielle simply loathed the feminine clothes altogether. When Danielle had first pulled a boy’s t-shirt over her head and slid on the jeans, she’d wanted to cry. It felt right, comfortable.

It wasn’t until she heard the word ‘transgender’ that she really began to figure it out.

That day, she had been playing video games with her friends, talking to other gamers online. Many words were thrown around that day--gay, transgender, queer, to name a few--so she had decided to do some research on the terms she didn’t know. That was the day she’d learned there was a word for people like her, people who didn’t fit with the gender of their birth.

Danielle stayed up late that night, thoughts swirling around her head, trying to figure out who she was, what her identity was. In the morning, there were no doubts. Danielle Fenton was actually a boy.

With the realization came the fear; what happens next? Would people accept someone like Danny? Would his family? Would his friends? Danny trusted his friends, and so realized the next step would be to tell them. He invited Sam and Tucker over to his room later that morning, his nerves eating away at his stomach, worried about the truth shattering conversation that was about to take place. Maybe he shouldn’t tell them, keep things the way they were. Danny thought about it for a brief moment, but decided that him being uncomfortable whenever his friends said his name, without them even realizing it, was much worse. Besides, if they truly cared for and loved him, they would accept him. They had known each other practically all their lives; the trio was almost inseparable by the time third grade rolled around. They would understand.

And so he told them. The conversation started off awkward and slightly embarrassing. Danny had nearly cried through some of it, but it went well over-all. Tucker seemed shocked, but Sam, in her activist and individuality supporting way, was completely accepting, immediately switching pronouns for Danny. He wondered if maybe she had other friends who were like him; the whole thing almost seemed too easy for her.Tucker was at a loss for words, but did make an effort to change Danny’s pronouns. Danny did cry at this point, the relief he felt overwhelming him. His two friends moved to sandwich him in a hug, promising to help him and that they would stick around no matter what happened. They were his best friends, and it would stay that way.

It was one of the best, most emotionally exhausting days of Danny’s life.

But it was only the beginning. The real challenge would be facing Danny’s family, telling them their daughter was actually their son. Danny couldn’t face them for a long time, no matter how much Sam and Tucker encouraged him to. The possibility of rejection, the fear of what his parents would think kept him from coming forward. He’d had secrets before, but none as big as this.

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